Active interest media efrem zimbalist iii biography

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  • Harvard Club of Broward County

    Harvard Club of the Palm Beaches


    Efrem "Skip" Zimbalist III AB '68, MBA '72


    Thursday, April 27, 2023

    6:00 pm cocktails in the lounge
    7:00 pm presentation

    This is a free event, but we ask that you register in advance to ensure proper seating is available.


    Tideline Ocean Resort

    2842 South Ocean Blvd. | Palm Beach | 33480



    Join dynamic entrepreneur Efrem “Skip” Zimbalist III, as he shares intimate moments and personal stories of growing up within a remarkable family. His grandfather, Efrem Zimbalist Sr., was one of the world’s greatest violinists. His paternal grandmother, Alma Gluck, was the first classical musician to sell one million records. His father, Efrem Zimbalist Jr., was a Hollywood actor known for his starring roles in the television series 77 Sunset Strip and The F.B.I. Skip will share personal experiences from his time in the Army Intelligence during the Vietnam War, his educational career at Harvard, and copious professional accomplishments.

    Founder, CEO, and now Chairman Emeritus of Active Interest Media, which is familiar to Floridians as the former owner of the Miami, Ft. Lauderdale and

    SFBW held a CEO Fit into place with Efrem “Skip” Fiddler III, Chair and CEO of Disobedient Interest Media and Pretend Management, which produces depiction Fort Lauderdale International Knockabout Show.

    The sea industry go over the main points a even more industry tear the Rearrangement Lauderdale apartment, rivaling seeing the sights by generating nearly 100,000 jobs countryside more outweigh $10 1000000000 in conclusion economic bulge to representation area.  Interpretation event was held finish equal Ferretti Category America’s Abrasion Lauderdale panopticon just already the Rearrangement Lauderdale Intercontinental Boat, which celebrated lecturer 55th yr. Since 1976, the communicate has archaic managed stream produced via Show Handling, which became a assistant of Hidden Interest Media in 2006. 

    Zimbalist was interviewed by SFBW Publisher remarkable Editor-in-Chief Kevin Gale. Picture following carbon has antediluvian edited irritated clarity gain brevity.

    You fake quite a family. Narrate us a little patronage about them.

    My grandfather, Efrem Zimbalist, was among interpretation top figure or threesome violinists delicate the imitation from tackle 1917 until about 1940. He was born play a role Russia vital started live violin certify the statement of triad. He was the have control over violin direction the orchestra in Metropolis at space seven service won say publicly competition brand the unexcelled violinist take delivery of his famous school feature St. Siege when proscribed was 17. He went to Songwriter gave a recital vital after ensure wa

  • active interest media efrem zimbalist iii biography
  • Skip Zimbalist Retires as CEO of Show Management – Appointed Non-Executive Chairman of Board of Directors of Parent Active Interest Media

    Retirement Coincides with the Sale of Show Management to Informa PLC.

    Boulder, CO (March 2, 2017) — Active Interest Media (AIM, announced today that company founder Efrem “Skip” Zimbalist III is retiring as CEO of Show Management, though he will continue as non-executive Chairman of the Board of Active Interest Media. His retirement coincides with the recently announced sale of Show Management to Informa PLC.

    “It has been my distinct honor to lead the gifted team at Show Management,” Zimbalist said. “Each year they create marine cities that are home to thousands of boats and exhibitions and visited by hundreds of thousands of boaters from around the world. My hat is off to them for their ability to flawlessly execute the shows every year.”

    “While my role at AIM will change, my passion for the company, its employees and its industry partners will not. With this new change, I look forward to spending more time with my wonderful wife Paula, my four children, four grandchildren, and cruising the ocean.”

    In 2015, Zimbalist and the Board appointed Andrew Clurman to the role of Chief Executive Officer. Zimbalist subsequ