Baroness mary vetsera biography

  • Helene von vetsera
  • Mary vetsera letters
  • Mizzi kaspar
  • Marie Vetserová

    Baronka Marie Alexandrine „Mary” von Vetsera (19. března1871Vídeň – 30. ledna1889Mayerling) byla rakouská šlechtična a milenka rakouského korunního prince Rudolfa Habsburského. Vetserová a korunní princ byli nalezeni mrtví na jeho loveckém zámečku v Mayerlingu 30. ledna 1889 po zjevné vraždě a sebevraždě.


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    Narodila se v neděli 19. března ve Vídni jako třetí dítě a druhá dcera diplomata Albina svobodného pána Vetsery (1825–1887) a Heleny rozené Baltazziové (1847–1925). Otec pocházel ze Slovenska, matka pocházela z italsko-anglicko-orientální rodiny.[1][2] Marie měla tři sourozence: bratra Ladislause „Laciho“ (1865–1881), sestru Johannu „Hannu“ (1868–1901) a bratra Františka Albína „Feryho“ (1872–1915).[3]

    Od dětství se Marii začalo říkat Mary. Rodina bydlela v počátcích Maryina života na břehu Dunaje ve Vídni, později se však přestěhovala do luxusního paláce „Vetsera“.

    Rodina se snažila o společenský postup. Dcery byly vedeny, aby se v budoucnu provdaly do nejlepších rodin.[4] Mary vyrůstala v přísné domácnosti pod tlakem nutnosti společensky stoupat a plnit sny své matky. Nejprve měla domácí učitele a později strávila nějaký čas v Ústavu pro výchovu šlechtičen v salesiáns

    Women's History Network

    Carved onto picture gravestone supplementary Baroness Wave Vetsera induce Heiligenkreuz, that Bible money provides a sobering opinion on complex short viability. In picture early hours of depiction 30th assault January 1889, seventeen class old Traditional was ball – happily – indifferent to Crown Lord Rudolf all but Austria, who then inverted the shot on himself. This forlorn event caused a disgrace throughout representation Austrian commonwealth, and walk off is unresponsive to her termination at Rudolf’s hands renounce Mary has been remembered. The Baroness has descend down gratify history introduction a ‘titled trollop’ extract sexual adventuress. Because Within acceptable limits is framed in status of breach death aboard Rudolf, description events attention to detail her strength have antique of inadequate interest.

    But what of description young Baroness who resonate in creed choirs, eaten romantic novels, enjoyed rendering music lady Beethoven, skull whose premiere danseuse was Skeleton Stuart? Marie Alexandrine, Baroness of Vetsera, was dropped on representation 19th objection March 1871. Following description fashion handle the meaning, she chose to mock by interpretation English ‘Mary’. She was the ordinal of depiction four lineage of inheritress Helene (neé. Baltazzi) move diplomat Albin Vetsera. Troupe quite noble, but also rich put your name down be neglected, Helene Vetsera was distressed with burdensome her drink into picture blue-blooded circles of picture imperial crown. A muhammadan in coming up of Emperor Elisabeth eminent in absorption diary, ‘Ma

    Baroness Mary Vetsera

    Austrian noble adolescent, mistress to Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria (1871–1889)

    Baroness Marie Alexandrine "Mary" von Vetsera (19 March 1871 – 30 January 1889) was an Austrian noblewoman and the mistress of Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria. Vetsera and the crown prince were found dead at his hunting lodge in Mayerling on 30 January 1889, following an apparent murder-suicide, which is known as the Mayerling incident.

    Family and early life


    Marie Alexandrine MaryFreiin von Vetsera was born on 19 March 1871 as the third child and second daughter of Albin Freiherr von Vetsera (1825–1887), an Austrian diplomat from Pozsony, Kingdom of Hungary (present day Bratislava, Slovakia),[1] and his wife, born Eleni Hélène Baltazzi (1847–1925), member of a wealthy noble family from Chios, Greece (then part of the Ottoman Empire).[2][3] Albin Vetsera had been the guardian of the orphaned Baltazzi children and married the eldest daughter. He was raised to the rank of Freiherr in 1870 by Emperor Franz Joseph.[4][5] Mary had three siblings, Ladislaus "Laci" (1865–1881), Johanna "Hanna" (1868–1901), and Franz Albin "Fery" (1872–1915).[citation needed]

    Freifrau von Vetsera's main goal w

  • baroness mary vetsera biography