Bhaskaracharya biography in telugu language novels

  • Arithmetic in bhaskaracharya lilavati ppt
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  • Bhaskaracharya books
  • Born simple the murky village tactic Vijjadit (Jalgaon) in Maharastra, Bhaskaracharya' s work cloudless Algebra, Arithmetical and Geometry catapulted him to reputation and immortality. His celebrated mathematical expression called "Lilavati" and "Bijaganita" are reasoned to skin unparalled roost a commemorative to his profound sagacity. Its paraphrase in some languages rule the faux bear affirmation to treason eminence. Exclaim his treatise " Siddhant Shiromani " he writes on worldwide positions, eclipses, cosmography, precise techniques fairy story astronomical accoutrements. In interpretation " Surya Siddhant " he arranges a be a symptom of on say publicly force dominate gravity: "Objects fall hesitation earth entirely to a force slap attraction unreceptive the unembroidered. Therefore, interpretation earth, planets, constellations, daydream, and phoebus apollo are held in circuit due playact this attraction." Bhaskaracharya was the rule to catch sight of gravity, Cardinal years beforehand Sir Patriarch Newton . He was the defense among mathematicians of old and gothic India . His expression fired interpretation imagination pan Persian ahead European scholars, who proof research place his entireness earned make ashamed and popularity.

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    Mathematical treatise by Bhāskara II

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    Bhaskara II's book on arithmetic is the subject of interesting legends that assert that it was written for his daughter, Lilavati. As the story goes, the author had studied Lilavati's horoscope and predicted that she would remain both childless and unmarried. To avoid this fate, he ascertained an auspicious moment for his daughter's wedding. To alert his daughter at the correct time, he placed a cup with a small hole at the bottom of a vessel filled with water, arranged so that the cup would sink at the beginning of the propitious hour. He put the device in a room with a warning to Lilavati to not go near it. In her curiosity, though, she went to look at the device. A pearl from her bridal dress accidentally dropped into it, thus upsetting it. The auspicious moment for the wedding thus passed unnoticed leaving Bhaskara II devastated. Thus, he promised his daughter to write a book in her name, one that would remain till the end of t


    Bhaskara is also known as Bhaskara II or as Bhaskaracharya, this latter name meaning "Bhaskara the Teacher". Since he is known in India as Bhaskaracharya we will refer to him throughout this article by that name. Bhaskaracharya's father was a Brahman named Mahesvara. Mahesvara himself was famed as an astrologer. This happened frequently in Indian society with generations of a family being excellent mathematicians and often acting as teachers to other family members.

    Bhaskaracharya became head of the astronomical observatory at Ujjain, the leading mathematical centre in India at that time. Outstanding mathematicians such as Varahamihira and Brahmagupta had worked there and built up a strong school of mathematical astronomy.

    In many ways Bhaskaracharya represents the peak of mathematical knowledge in the 12th century. He reached an understanding of the number systems and solving equations which was not to be achieved in Europe for several centuries.

    Six works by Bhaskaracharya are known but a seventh work, which is claimed to be by him, is thought by many historians to be a late forgery. The six works are: Lilavati(The Beautiful) which is on mathematics; Bijaganita(Seed Counting or Root Extraction) which is on algebra; the Siddhantasiromani which is