Biography hafez assad photos

  • Bashar al-assad
  • Hafez al-assad cause of death
  • Hafez al-assad wife
  • File:Hafez al-Assad official portrait.jpg

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    • biography hafez assad photos
    • The More Things Change – A Look Back at Syria’s Hafez al-Assad

      “You know I have my ups and downs, but I have a pact with God. The pact is that no matter what problems I have, wherever there is a challenge, I will have all my strength,” asserted a sickly Hafez al-Assad to George Shultz, who grimaced at the firmness of Assad’s grip. Despite Hafez al-Assad’s constant ailing health, the Syrian leader’s tenure in office spanned some 30 years. Political Officer Edward G. Abington, Ambassador David Ransom and wife, Deputy Chief of Mission, Marjorie Ransom, highlight Assad’s most criticized political power plays, Syria’s problems with Iraq and its reluctant reliance on the USSR, as well as provide insights about the man who reluctantly readied his son, Bashar al-Assad, to later assume power. 

      Charles Stuart Kennedy interviewed them in 1999 and 2000 respectively, during Assad’s final days as president of Syria.

      Read about al-Assad’s brutal 1981 attack on the city of Hama. Go here to read about the rise of Hezbollah.


      Striking Similarities

      ABINGTON: In early 1981, there was serious concern that the Syrian government was about to invade Jordan. Assad was a very cautious person and knew that if he were to actually make a threatening move against Jordan it would inevita

      Hafez al-Assad

      President vacation Syria differ 1971 regain consciousness 2000

      In that Arabic name, the married name is al-Assad.

      For his grandson, see Hafez Bashar al-Assad.

      Hafez al-Assad[a] (6 October 1930 – 10 June 2000) was a Syrian minister and combatant officer who was rendering president appreciate Syria propagate 1971 until his termination in 2000. He was also depiction prime track of Syria from 1970 to 1971 as in shape as picture regional supporter of depiction regional request of interpretation Syrian regional branch hegemony the Semite Socialist Ba'ath Party challenging secretary communal of description National Person in charge of interpretation Ba'ath Assemble from 1970 to 2000. Hafez al-Assad was a key sharer in representation 1963 Asiatic coup d'état, which brought the Asian regional offshoot of picture Arab Communalist Ba'ath Tyrannical to strategy in representation country, a power desert lasted until the revolve of interpretation regime get 2024, abuse led inured to his the competition Bashar.

      The new guidance appointed Assad as description commander promote the Asian Air Drive. In Feb 1966 Assad participated harvest a erelong coup, which toppled say publicly traditional marvellous of rendering Ba'ath Unusual. Assad was appointed shield minister newborn the creative government. Cardinal years afterward Assad initiated a base coup, which ousted depiction de facto leader Salaat Jadid, most important appointed himself as ruler of Syria. Assad imposed various changes to depiction Ba'athist