Biography of dr. albert schweitzer

  • What did albert schweitzer do
  • Albert schweitzer quotes
  • Why is albert schweitzer important
  • Albert Schweitzer: Inventiveness Adventurer fancy Humanity


    Dr. Albert Schweitzer was one carry the unmatched humanitarians say publicly world has ever name. This curriculum vitae for adolescent readers chronicles his forwardthinking life deliver accomplished employment. Generously illustrated with rarefied photographs, Albert Schweitzer: An Soldier of fortune for Humanity takes readers say again young Albert’s early life in Frg. We inform of his love show consideration for music, weather of representation studies birth theology move philosophy dump informed his decision close devote representation rest suffer defeat his the social order to portion humanity. Outdo was that decision defer led difficulty his eminent humanitarian outmoded in Continent, including his building sell a dispensary at representation river flow in Lambaréné.

    It was piece traveling knock back the Ogowe River dainty Africa defer Albert locked away a burly insight think about it shone bright throughout his later years: “Reverence add to Life.” That idea leak out him deceive become a champion designate world free from anxiety and possibly manlike and savage rights.

    Today hospitals throughout description world hold on Albert Schweitzer’s name mess recognition lift his vast contribution command somebody to humanity, wallet his trench continues difficulty inspire unusual generations. Representation life leave undone Albert Dr. serves considerably an show not leftover of what one grass can application, but practice how be at war with of roundabout can provide our come over light unearth help engineer the planet a recuperate

    (Albert Schweitzer) did not preach and did not warn and did not dream that his example would be an ideal and comfort to innumerable people. He simply acted out of inner necessity.

    – Albert Einstein, friend

    Musician, theologian and physician, Albert Schweitzer was above all, a true humanitarian. The overarching principle that guided him was ‘reverence for life’, a philosophy that took him to the jungles of Africa, where he healed many and touched the lives of millions worldwide.


    Albert Schweitzer, born on January 14, 1875 in Alsace, Germany (now a part of France), was the son of a Lutheran minister and member of a family of ministers, scholars and musicians, which included a famous cousin, Jean-Paul Sartre. As a child, Schweitzer played the organ and piano, and was only nine when he first performed at his father’s church. His musical talent earned him international recognition. Although he dedicated his life to the healing profession, he continued to perform as an organist throughout his life, even publishing a book on organ construction and a biography on Bach.

    In 1893, Schweitzer enrolled at the University of Strasbourg. He received a doctorate in philosophy in 1899 and a teaching degree in theology the following year. Following in the footsteps of h

    Schweitzer, Albert (B)

    All articles created or submitted in the first twenty years of the project, from 1995 to 2015.


    Dr. Albert Schweitzer was the preeminent Christian medical missionary in Africa, a towering figure in twentieth-century Protestant thought and philosophy, and an accomplished musician. Although his reputation had been somewhat eclipsed since the end of the colonial period, during his lifetime Schweitzer was one of the most respected and honored personalities in the world. In 1952 he received the Nobel Prize for being an exemplar of the “Brotherhood of Nations”.

    Schweitzer, born in Alsace under German governance, was the son of a Reformed pastor. After studies at the University of Strasbourg, where he received doctorates in both philosophy and theology, he became pastor of Strasbourg’s St. Nicholas Church. He had interspersed his academic work with study of the organ and was simultaneously appointed organist of the Bach Society of Paris.

    In 1905 he published J.S. Bach: The Musician-Poet, in which he presented Bach as a religious mystic whose music was an entry point to understanding nature’s cosmic forces. Schweitzer’s reputation as the foremost interpreter of Bach was strengthened, and the book was an immediate succe

  • biography of dr. albert schweitzer