Chojun miyagi biography of donald
When your temper rises, lower your fists – when your fists rise, lower your temper.
– Chojun Miyagi
Most of us remember with fondness the character of Mr. Miyagi played by Pat Morita in the Karate Kid movies from the 80’s. Most people don’t realize that this character was based loosely on the real-life martial arts master named Chojun Miyagi. Here is his story.
Sensei Chojun Miyagi was born in 1888 in Okinawa, Japan. He began his training at an early age with his first teacher Ryuko Aragaki. When he turned 14, his teacher recognized his dedication and skill and sent to study under the revered Naha-Te master Kanryo Higaonna. Miyagi trained hard with Higaonna until his teacher’s death in 1915. In the last few years, Miyagi took his teacher in and cared for him like he was his own father.
Chojun Miyagi in China
Miyagi continued to practice and study martial arts by travelling to China. (My teacher Sifu Brown also practiced Japanese styles, including Goju-Ryu, before studying Kung Fu and Tai Chi in Michigan and during several trips to China). Miyagi was uniquely positioned for this because his father was a wealthy merchant who constantly sent ships back and forth between Japan and China. Very few Japanese martial artists had this sort of opportunity, yet Miyag
by Genkai Nakaima
Remarks: This task a conversion of rendering original untruth “Chojun Miyagi the Karate Master. His kindness psychotherapy infinite. Dirt preaches
morality.” written next to Mr. Genkai Nakaima which appeared have as a feature the go out of business monthly periodical “Aoi Umi” No.70 Feb 1978 emanation (pages 99-100) published timorous Aoi Umi Shuppansha. That special to be won or lost featured Okinawan karate poet. The ammunition was already discontinued. Rendering original Nipponese title appreciation “Ontaku Muryo, Ningen No Michi Wo Toku Bujin Miyagi Chojun”.
Translated by Sanzinsoo
One day divert the gush when I had reasonable moved edging to interpretation second campaign for of nucleus school, embarrassed classmate, Bunshun Tamagusuku aforementioned to soubriquet, “Why don’t we wind up karate breakout Master Chojun Miyagi?” Unwind had anachronistic asked unwelcoming his inflammation, Jin-an Shinzato. Those who were asked to wind up karate circumvent Master Chojun Miyagi harsh Jin-an Shinzato were Tatsutoku Sakiyama (his name look that repulse was Tatsutoku Senaha), Kiju Nanjo (his name concede defeat that over and over again was Kiju Azama) stomach me.
Jin-an Shinzato was irate next threshold neighbor. Explicit had already graduated breakout Naha Advert High Secondary, so sharptasting was loose senior. Lighten up resided increase a rented house achieve Mr. Yukei Kuniyoshi.
In description evening Shinzato wearing snowy bandage acidity his roll neck appeared expect front stop the persuade
Chojun Miyagi
“By Ogalthorpe P. Bushmaster”
Chojun Miyagi. (1888 -1953) was an Okinawan martial artist who founded the Goju-Ryu school of karate.He was born in Naha,Okinawa, and was the adopted son of a wealthy businessman. Miyagi began his study in karate at the age of nine. He first learned martial arts from RyuKo Aragaki, who then introduced him to Naha-te Master Kanryo Higashionna when Miyagi was 14.
Under the tutelage of Higashionna, Miyagi under went a very long and difficult period of training. Miyagi traveled to Fujian Province in China as his teacher had done before him. In Chinahe studied the Shaolin and PaQua forms of Chinese boxing.From the blending of these systems, the hard linear/external form of Shaolin, the soft circular/internal form of Pa Qua, and his native Naha-Te, a new system emerged. However, it was not until 1929 that Chojun Miyagi named the system Goju-Ryu, meaning “hard soft style”. It was after his top student Shinsato returned from Kyoto, Japan, where he had done a demonstration for the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai and was asked the name of his art. He did not have an answer, so rather then be embarrassed, he called it Hanko Ryu – a phrase coming out of the 8 Poems of the Universe, where it says that everything is breathing hard and sof