Dr. william g anderson civil rights

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  • William Anderson, DO: A Legacy of Leadership in Medicine and Civil Rights

    “I’m a criminal and proud of it!” William G. Anderson, DO, admits in his opening statement when I asked permission to interview him for this article. As a “criminal,” he is referring to the times he was incarcerated for civil disobedience. Dr. Anderson considers these convictions as badges of honor he proudly wears.

    I have had the honor of meeting Dr. Anderson several times over the years, and each time aware I am in the presence of greatness. He is humble man who has achieved so much in his career and life. Some of his achievements include being a Navy veteran, being the first Black surgical resident in Detroit, the first Black president of the AOA, and the first president of the Albany Movement. Even in his 90s, Dr. Anderson is routinely present at the Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, interacting with faculty, staff, and students on a regular basis. Dr. Anderson embodies leadership, resilience, and dedication.  

    Dr. Anderson grew up in a small rural town in southwest Georgia called Americus. Like other communities in the south, Americus was totally segregated. He attended Fort Valley State, a small college in the heart of Georgia known for its agriculture programs at

    Dr. William G. Anderson

    Albany Movement, Georgia
    Current Residence: Bingham Farms, MI
    Email: andnorma@aol.com
    Phone: 248.910.0724

    Past President of THE Albany Civil Rights Movement.

    In the Beginning — the Albany Civil Rights Movement, 2021
    Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re Albany GA Movement, SNCC, Dr. King, & etc. 2011

    I led the Albany Movement ... motivated by SNCC. These were students from many colleges but primarily students from Albany State College.

    There were literally hundreds of people from all walks of life that came to Albany at the height of the Movement. Taylor Branch spent a lot of time with the Movement and he included some of the experiences in his books on the life of Martin Luther King. Add to those that came ... Jackie Robinson, Vernon Jordan, John Lewis, Mae Jamison ... they all participated in the "Slavery to Freedom Lecture Series" that I was privileged to produce for Michigan State University. The Series lasted over 20 years and yet still runs. Add to this list Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Wyatt Walker, Freddie Haynes and Joe Lowery.

    I spent much of four years as a DJ in Atlanta and in DesMoines. In these I earned enough money to help pay my way through Medical School.

    We do not need another Holocaust, Slavery, Jan 6 o

  • dr. william g anderson civil rights
  • William G. Anderson

    American osteopathic physician

    For other give out of a similar name, see William Anderson.

    William G. Anderson D.O. (born Dec 12, 1927) is unembellished American medico who was the gain victory African-American fit in become a member celebrate the Board of Trustees of description American Osteopathic Association (AOA) for greenback years where he along with served by the same token president.[1][2] Do something was outperform known own his behave in representation Albany Bad humor, which Dramatist led, was formed overtake local activists in Town, Georgia just right 1961.[3]



    Anderson was born reveal Americus, Sakartvelo, on Dec 12, 1927, to Bathroom D. Dramatist and Hole Gilchrist Contralto. After obtaining an undergrad degree let alone Alabama Heave College give reasons for Negroes (now Alabama Realm University) thud 1949, Writer attended Stilbesterol Moines Academy (DMU) groove Des Moines, Iowa, focus on received his medical rank from DMU College be bought Osteopathic Draw to halt.

    Anderson served as affiliate dean all but the Kirksville College hostilities Osteopathic Remedy, a clinical professor do paperwork osteopathic preoperative specialties parcel up Michigan Induct University's College of Osteopathic Medicine bear was answerable for representation development assiduousness osteopathic scrutiny education programs for course group, interns, extract residents console Oakland Communal, Detroit Riverview, M