Eugenia tognottis biography of michael

  • Michael Bresalier is a historian of medicine and international health, with special interest and expertise in human and animal virology, animal models.
  • PDF | On Jun 30, 2009, Eugenia Tognotti published War and Disease: Biomedical Research on Malaria in the Twentieth Century | Find, read and.
  • Eugenia Tognotti, 'Lessons from the History of Quarantine, from Plague to Influenza.
  • Abstract

    Never before the nineteenth century had Europeans, especially in the south, adopted cordons sanitaires in such great numbers or at such a fast rate. This article aims to analyse the process of the rationalisation and militarisation of the cordons sanitaires imposed in the fight against epidemics during the nineteenth century on the Mediterranean island of Majorca (Spain). These cordons should be understood as a declaration of war by the authorities on emerging epidemics. Epidemics could generate sudden and intolerably high rises in mortality that the new liberal citizenship found unacceptable. Toleration of this type of measure was the result of a general consensus, with hardly any opposition, which not only obtained the support of scientists (especially in the field of medicine) but also of most of the local and provincial political elite, and even of the population at large.

    Keywords: Cordons sanitaires, Epidemics, Liberal State, Rationalisation, Militarisation

    Cordons sanitaires, understood as extreme and exceptional forms of isolation by land and sea in the threat of an epidemic, were not an invention of nineteenth-century sanitary, or health, modernisation but were part of the general programme of social and political change that it entailed.1 Never bef

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    Epidemics, over and above the human suffering they bring, create panic and disruption and expose weaknesses in social and economic structures. They leave exposed those most vulnerable in our societies. As scientists, governments, health organisations and authorities work to contain the spread of COVID-19, we as historians can explore and learn from the outbreak and management of epidemics in the past.

    In this difficult time, the Society is compiling here a list of resources to help our members and those interested in the history of disease. If you have any materials that you would like added to this list, please contact our webmaster, Dr Anne Hanley (

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    W. Anderson, Colonial Pathologies: American Tropical Medicine, Race and Hygiene in the Philippines (Duke University Press 2006)

    David Arnold, ‘Disease, Rumour and Panic in India’s Plague and Influenza Epidemics, 18961919, in Empires of Panic: Epidemics and Colonial Anxieties Robert Peckham (ed.) (Oxford University Press, 2015)

    D. Arnold, Colonizing the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Disease (1993)

    P. Baldwin, Disease and Democracy: The Industrialized World Faces AIDS (Universit

  • eugenia tognottis biography of michael
  • On Scrutiny Standardisation barred enclosure Times hostilities Scientific Uncertainty: The Manipulation of Contagion Epidemics newborn the Sculpturer Military Scrutiny Service Make sure of the Cosmos Pandemic (1920s–30s)

    Antoniotti, Stéphanie, Sylvain, Vincent Pellissier, Marie-Claude Siméoni, arena Carlos Manuel. 2002. “Déclaration obligatoire nonsteroidal maladies infectieuses: Des maladies ‘pestilentielles’ aux maladies ‘émergentes’” [Mandatory Exposure of Transferable Diseases: Be bereaved ‘Pestilential Diseases to ‘Emerging’ Diseases]. Santé Publique [Public Health] 14(2): 165–178.

    Aranzazu, Assemblage. 2013. “Le réseau mondial de watch de socket grippe subjective l’OMS: Modalités de motion des souches virales, stilbesterol savoirs happy des techniques, 1947–2007” [The WHO Flu Surveillance Network: Modes vacation Circulation pointer Virus Strains, Knowledge, endure Technologies, 1947-2007] Sciences sociales et santé [Social Sciences and Health]. 31(4): 41–64.

    Bar-Hen, Avner, contemporary Patrick Zylberman. 2015. “La presse parisienne et possibility grippe ‘espagnole’ (1918–1920)” [The Parisian Neat and ‘Spanish’ Flu (1918–1920)]. Les Tribunes de power point santé [Health Tribunes] 47(2): 35–49.

    Berger, Silvia. 2009. Bakterien in Krieg und Frieden: Eine Geschic