Felix de weldon biography templates

  • Nationally known sculptor whose works include a bust of Harry S. Truman, the Athens, Greece monument of Mr. Truman, and the Iwo Jima Monument in Washington, DC.
  • Born in Vienna, Austria as the son of a prosperous textile manufacturer, Felix de Weldon became a painter and sculptor, whose most notable work is the bronze.
  • Upon enlisting in the US Navy, my father was able to become a US citizen and changed his name from Felix Weiss to Felix de Weldon in an apparent.
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    My interview with Stars & Stripes News Est. 1861 on Felix de Weldon for Memorial Day - Daniel de Weldon

    1. Tell me about your dad. What kind of man was he, personality wise?

    My father's personality was one of a very gentle soul beneath high-octane creativity. I would describe him as the most powerful, sensitive man I have ever known – he was as emotionally vulnerable as he was physically strong.  And it’s for this reason that I think he was able to create so much art over a span of several decades.  

    As my father, he wore his heart on his sleeve; never could he hide his emotions – whether challenged or overjoyed.  An example that comes to mind is when he would reflect on the day he met the three survivors (flag raisers) from the flag raising at Iwo Jima.  While he was developing the monument in his D.C. studio, they visited to see the sculpture as a work-in-progress. Upon seeing the faces of their three fallen comrades, they said to my father, “We didn't know you knew our buddies!"  But he didn’t – it was his faithful depiction of their faces, their essence from the Joe Rosenthal photograph that prompted the servicemen to instantly recognize the fallen. This was definitive of my father's personality – passionate, sentimental, tender.

    Felix Weihs de Weldon (April 12, 1907 – June 3, 2003) was an Austrian-born American sculptor. His most famous pieces include the United States Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima Memorial, 1954) in Arlington County, Virginia and the Malaysian National Monument (1966) in Kuala Lumpur.


    Felix de Weldon was born in Vienna, Austria-Hungary on April 12, 1907. He received his early education at St. Egichin's Grammar School. In 1925, he earned an A.B. from Marchetti College,[1] a preparatory college.[2] From the University of Vienna's Academy of Creative Arts and School of Architecture, he earned his M.A. and M.S. degrees in 1927 and his PhD in 1929.

    De Weldon first received notice as a sculptor at the age of 17, with his statue of Austrian educator and diplomat Professor Ludo Hartman.[1] In the 1920s, he joined artist's communes in France, Italy and Spain. De Weldon eventually moved to London, where he gained a number of commissions, among them a portrait sculpture of George V.

    A consequential trip to Canada to sculpt Prime Minister Mackenzie King brought De Weldon to North America. He settled in the United States in 1937. De Weldon enlisted in the United States Navy during World War II and was discharged with the rank of Painter

  • felix de weldon biography templates