Guru2 sukarno biography

  • Bers of the Pager Desa visited guru2 nge'mu [teachers of esoteric knowledge] and dukun to obtain invulnerability, safety or military prowess.
  • The reformulated ideology still consisted of five principles and Soekarno's suggested name of Pancasila was retained.
  • Dr.
  • Dr. Ir. H.

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    1. Kelahiran : 6 Juni 1901, Peneleh, Surabaya

    2. Meninggal: : 21 Juni 1970, RSPAD GATOT Subroto, Jakarta
    3. Pasangan: : Oetari, Inggit Garnasih, Fatwamati, Hartini, Ratna Dress Dewi,
    Haryati, Heldy Djafar, Yurike Nurse, Dan Kartini Manoppo.
    4. Anak: : 1.Guntur Soekarnoputra 2. Megawati Soekarnoputri 3.
    Rachmawati Soekarnoputri 4. Sukmawati Soekarnoputri 5.
    Guruh Soekarnoputra 6. Karina Kartika Sari Dewi Soekarno 7.
    Totok Suryawan Soekarnoputra 8. Rukmini Soekarno 9. Bayu
    Soekarnoputra 10. Taufan Soekarnoputra 11. Taufan
  • guru2 sukarno biography
  • Sanusi Pane

    Sanusi Pane

    Lahir14 November 1905
    Muara Sipongi, Tapanuli, Hindia Timur Belanda
    Meninggal dunia2 Januari 1968(1968-01-02) (umur 62)
    Jakarta, Indonesia
    PekerjaanPenulis, wartawan, sejarawan
    GenrePuisi dan lakonan

    Sanusi Pane (14 November 1905 – 2 Januari 1968) ialah seorang penulis, wartawan dan sejarawan Indonesia. Beliau amat aktif dalam bidang kritikan media, menjadi ahli badan pengarang beberapa penerbitan. Beliau juga dikatakan dramatis yang paling penting sebelum Revolusi Nasional Indonesia.


    [sunting | sunting sumber]

    Sanusi Pane dilahirkan di Muara Sipongi, Tapanuli, Hindia Timur Belanda, pada 14 November 1905 anak kelahiran keluarga Muslim. Beliau memulakan pendidikan di dua sekolah rendah di Sibolga, sebelum menyambung pelajaran ke sekolah menengah, mula-mula di Padang, dan kemudian di Betawi (sekarang Jakarta). Sanusi menerbitkan puisi pertamanya, "Tanah Air" semasa di Jakarta, dalam majalah Jong Soematra. Selepas menghabiskan pendidikan dalam tahun 1922, beliau memasuki Maktab Perguruan Gunung Sari sehingga tahun 1925; selepas tamat, beliau mengajar di maktab itu buat beberapa tahun dan mengambil cuti setahun untuk mendapatkan pendidikan dalam

    The Indonesian teacher certification policy : a case study of policy sense-making

    Indonesia, like many countries around the world, has been engaged in the effort to improve its teacher quality as the main strategy to elevate the whole educational quality. This dissertation seeks to understand how Indonesian teacher educators make sense of the new teacher certification policy as they are engaged in its implementation. Few scholars have conducted studies that are published in English related to the implementation process of large-scale education reform in Indonesia, including in the implementation of the teacher certification policy, and this study intends to fill this gap. Moreover, teacher educators are, arguably, key implementing agents in many teacher reforms, not only in Indonesia, but also around the world. Surprisingly, there has been little research examining teacher educators in global teacher reforms, and this study intends to fill in that gap as well.This study uses an integrative sense-making framework proposed by Spillane, Reiser, and Reimer (2002). The framework’s main argument is: “What a policy means for implementing agents is constituted in the interaction of their existing cognitive structures (including knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes), their situation, an