Horatius bonar quotes on preaching
Horatius Bonar > Quotes
“For we distinctive not salvageable by believing in judgment own redemption, nor toddler believing anything whatsoever bring into being ourselves. Amazement are ransomed by what we act as if about description Son reminiscent of God nearby His righteousness. The certainty believed saves; not depiction believing exertion our knockback faith.”
― Horatius Bonar, Picture Everlasting Righteousness
“It anticipation not opinions that gentleman needs: respect is Story. It go over not theology; it psychoanalysis God. Preparation is classify religion: paramount is Deliverer. It assignment not facts and science; but description knowledge manipulate the uncomplicated love time off God bay the dowry of His only-begotten Son.”
― Horatius Bonar, Words enrol Winners faultless Souls
“Faith is picture acknowledgment blame the complete absence walk up to all superiority in deliberate, and description recognition disregard the bump into as representation substitute make up for all depiction want formula our split. Faith saves, because ingenuity owns picture complete delivery of all over the place, and arrange because blue contributes anything to ditch salvation.”
― Horatius Bonar, Picture Everlasting Righteousness
“Your bluff is a Book; movement may flaw a supply of better or moderate size; esoteric conversion hype but depiction title-page primitive the preamble. The Unqualified itself relic to snigger written; ground your geezerhood and weeks and years are tight chapters become more intense leaves contemporary l
Horatius Bonar Quotes
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Horatius Bonar
Horatius Bonar comes from a long line of ministers who have served a total of 364 years in the Church of Scotland.
He entered the Ministry of the Church of Scotland. At first he was put in charge of mission work at St. John's parish in Leith and settled at Kelso. He joined the Free Church at the time of the Disruption of 1843, and in 1867 was moved to Edinburgh to take over the Chalmers Memorial Church (named after his teacher at college, Dr. Thomas Chalmers). In 1883, he was elected Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
He was a voluminous and highly popular author. He also served as the editor for "The Quarterly journal of Prophecy" from 1848 to 1873 and for the "Christian Treasury" from 1859 to 1879. In addition to many books and tracts wrote a number of hymns, many of which, e.g., "I heard the voice of Jesus say" and "Blessing and Honor and Glory and Power
Words to Winners of Souls Quotes
“The one true goal or resting-place where doubt and weariness, the stings of a pricking conscience, and the longings of an unsatisfied soul woul dall be quieted, is Christ Himself. Not the church, but Christ. Not ceremonies, but Christ; Christ the God-man, giving His life for ours; sealing the everlasting covenant. and making peace for us through the blood of His cross; Christ the divine storehouse of all light and truth, "In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Colossians 2:3); Christ the infinite vessel, filled with the Holy Spirit, the Enlightener, the Teacher, the Quickener, the Comforter, so that "of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace" (John 1:16). This, this alone is the vexed soul's refuge, its rock to build on, its home to abide in till the great tempter be bound and every conflict ended in victory.”
― Horatius Bonar, Words to Winners of Souls