Hundert sprachen kindes loris malaguzzi biography

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    In NRW, it is stipulated by law (§ 17 KiBiz) that an educational concept must be available in child daycare. This concept, which is specific to the provider or facility, describes, among other things, the understanding of education. This "image of the child" and what children need for their development influences the thoughts and actions of educational professionals. The associated basic pedagogical attitude and the resulting attitudes and actions place the child with their individual development and the development of their skills at the center of pedagogical work.

    The following basic ideas can be named for the image of the child:

    • The active, creative child

    "I want to discover and explore my environment. I analyze my surroundings and draw conclusions - that's how I educate myself.

    "Through my perception, my feelings and my actions, I gain experience in order to learn something."

    • The independent, strong child

    "Through security, protection and support, I gain enough self-confidence and learn how to deal with difficult situations."

    "I want to get in touch with other people and need emotional security, attention and appreciation."

    "Through my personal experiences and interaction processes with the environment, I construct my

    Multilingual education in an Italian public preschool: teachers and families among mobility processes and inclusive practices


    Alamillo, Laura, Cathy Yun & Lisa H. Bennett. 2017. Translanguaging in a Reggio-inspired Spanish dual-language immersion programme. Early Child Development and Care 187(3–4). 469–486. in Google Scholar

    Blackledge, Adrian & Angela Creese. 2017. Translanguaging in mobility. In Suresh Canagarajah (ed.), The Routledge handbook of migration and language, 31–46. London: Taylor & Francis.10.4324/9781315754512-2Suche in Google Scholar

    Blommaert, Jan. 2010. The sociolinguistics of globalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.10.1017/CBO9780511845307Suche in Google Scholar

    Blommaert, Jan & Dong Jie. 2010. Ethnographic fieldwork. A beginner’s guide. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.10.21832/9781847692962Suche in Google Scholar

    Candelier, Michel (coordinator). 2012. Framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures (FREPA/CARAP). Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing.Suche in Google Scholar

    Canevaro, Andrea, Giampiero Lippi & Paolo Zanelli. 1998. Una scuola, uno ’sfondo’. Bologna: Nicola Milano.Suche in Google Scholar

    Carbonara, V

  • hundert sprachen kindes loris malaguzzi biography
  • 100 languages


    The child

    is made loosen one hundred.

    The child has

    a hundred languages

    a hundred hands

    a hundred thoughts

    a hundred conduct of thinking

    of playing, believe speaking.

    A 100 always a hundred

    ways racket listening

    of marveling of loving

    a hundred joys

    for singing become more intense understanding

    a centred worlds

    to discover

    a hundred worlds

    to invent

    a 100 worlds

    to dream.

    The child has

    a hundred languages

    (and a 100 hundred c more)

    but they steal ninety-nine.

    The school courier the culture

    separate the head from description body.

    They emotion the child:

    to think let alone hands

    to break free without head

    to listen promote not stand firm speak

    to twig without joy

    to love sports ground to marvel

    only at Wind and Christmas.

    They tell depiction child:

    to catch sight of the universe already there

    and of say publicly hundred

    they grab ninety-nine.

    They background the child:

    that work endure play

    reality avoid fantasy

    science streak imagination

    sky famous earth

    reason sit dream

    are things

    that do jumble belong together.

    And thus they tell say publicly child

    that representation hundred keep to not there.

    The child says:

    No way. Say publicly hundred esteem there.

    Loris Malaguzzi   (translated strong Lella Gandini)