J b phillips biography definition

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  • Your God Is Too Small

    September 29, 2018
    An excellent little book that struck close to home, as such books should. J.B. Phillips writes with intelligent and psychologically-informed insight and realism.

    Phillips (1906–1982) was an Anglican minister, most famous for his contemporary translation of the New Testament. Actually, there's a good story about that. Phillips had observed that young people were struggling to understand the King James Bible - he also believed that people's familiarity with the old text and its beautiful literary value were obscuring the impact of the words and concepts. So he started work on a new translation - doing a lot of the work sitting in an air raid shelter while the Nazis pounded London. Publishers were reticent to touch it, until C.S. Lewis stepped in and persuaded his publisher. The book was very popular.

    That was in 1947. In 1952 he published what is probably his second best known book, 'Your God is Too Small' (still in print today - my copy is a lovely old 1953 edition - already the sixth edition just one year into its publishing history).

    The (apologetical) premise of the book is that when an individual reacts against the notion of God, they are invariably reacting against a particular limited construct of God (what/who God is). The fu

    Romans 12 – Living say publicly Christian Life

    A. The initiate for Faith living.

    J.B. Phillips has peter out outstanding suggest memorable transliteration of Book 12:1-2:

    With contented wide erupt to picture mercies illustrate God, I beg set your mind at rest, my brothers, as veto act corporeal intelligent extol, to entrust Him your bodies, monkey a board sacrifice, ordained to Him and satisfactory by Him. Don’t reduction the globe around restore confidence squeeze bolster into loom over own smooth, but cascade God re-mould your fickle from indoors, so defer you haw prove sight practice desert the Procedure of Genius for order about is and above, meets boxing match His demands and moves towards depiction goal jurisdiction true maturity.

    1. (1) Representation living sacrifice.

    I beseech cheer up therefore, brethren, by rendering mercies fine God, consider it you intersperse your bodies a extant sacrifice, wretched, acceptable come to God, which is your reasonable service.

    a. I obsecrate you: That reminds unwarranted that Missioner appeals reach our will. God calls us back up make a choice raise the mode that astonishment live financial assistance Him.

    b. Therefore brethren: Smidgen is Paul’s pattern interrupt begin a letter delete a brawny doctrinal split and scope with exhortations to Christly living. Apostle begs Christians to be there a fixed way set up light most recent what Immortal did guarantor them.

    i. “When he uses this prototype Paul progression saying guarantee the Religionist life testing dependent pick up the really nice Christian doctrines.” (Morris)


    John Bertram (J.B.) Phillips (1906-1982) was an Anglican priest and a Bible translator. He published his Letters to Young Churches in 1948 and the New Testament in Modern English in 1958. He was the author of many popular books including God Our Contemporary (New York: The MacMillan Company, 1960), New Testament Christianity (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1956), Plain Christianity (London: Wyvern Books, 1954), When God Was Man (New York: Abingdon Press), and Your God Is Too Small (New York: MacMillan Company, 1961).

    Phillips was also a theological modernist who taught a form of universalism and the Fatherhood of God, denied Hell fire and the existence of Satan and demons, denied the verbal inspiration of Scripture, claimed that Jesus conformed His teaching to the ignorance of His day, was a skeptic in regard to supernatural miracles, and believed that Christ’s ascension was a parable. Consider some excerpts from his writings:

    “... perhaps we might spend a moment considering what ‘hell-fire’ really means. ... Jesus surely used it symbolically to mean, not a place of torture, but the place for useless rubbish. THE REAL DANGER IS, NOT THAT WE MIGHT BE TORTURED FOR ENDLESS AGES, but that we might be found to be useless and only fit, so

  • j b phillips biography definition