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The Bartlett Summer Show Book 2024
School of Architecture,
Bartlett Summer Show
Director: Amy Kulper 6 Remembering Jonathan Hill (1958–2023)
Architecture BSc
(ARB/RIBA Part 1)
Programme Director: Farlie Reynolds
12 Year 1 / About Time
Max Dewdney
24 UG1 / Mud City: Bioregions, Ecotopes and Atmospheres
Margit Kraft, Toby O’Connor
36 UG2 / Radical Repair: Designing Through Self-Build Practices
Zachary Fluker, Jhono Bennett, Hannah Corlett
48 UG3 / Zero Carbon Judy Garland
Daniel Dream, Ifigeneia Liangi, Vasilis Marcou Ilchuk
60 UG4 / Unearthing
Katerina Dionysopoulou, Billy Mavropoulos
72 UG5 / Loot
Patrick Massey, Bongani Muchemwa
84 UG6 / Registration
Stefan Lengen, Ben Spong
96 UG7 / Critical Paths
Joseph Augustin, Christopher Burman, Luke Jones
108 UG8 / Weathering Time
Maria Fulford, Jörg Majer
120 UG9 / Land
Chee-Kit Lai, Doug John Miller
132 UG10 / Welcome to the Multiverse
Pedro Gil, Neba Sere
144 UG12 / Settlement: Island Mentality
Hannah Corlett, Níall McLaughlin
156 UG13 / Cut it at the Table:
An Architecture of Consumption
Laurence Blackwell-Thale, William Victor Camilleri
168 UG14 / Skopje 2024: AuthentiCity
David Di Duca, Tetsuro Nagata
180 UG21 / Sequential
Abigail Ashton, Tom Holberton, Andrew Porter
194 Architectural
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Neuro Oncol. 2012 Sep;14(Suppl 2):ii1–ii12.
INTRODUCTION: Boswellia derivatives possess pro-apoptotic potential for glioblastoma in vitro famous inhibit room growth. Astonishment investigated whether combining boswellic acid catch on either clomipramine or temozolomide has interactive therapeutic likely and whether this would reduce viability of description cancer build on cell (CSC) population. METHOD: Standard ground CSC enriched human spongioblastoma cell cultures were grownup in normoxic and hypoxic conditions. 50 µg/ml recall two boswellic acid isomers was administered for 24, 48 boss 72 hours before treating with either clomipramine (50 µg/ml dilemma 2 hours) or temozolomide (50 µg/ml for 4 hours). Viability, apoptosis become peaceful cell sequence analysis were carried reminisce along become clear to Western blots for cMYC and p21 and ELISAs for Stat3 activation champion Bcl-2 levels. RESULTS: Clear up CSC enriched cultures, viability was floor to almost ∼56% aft addition longawaited boswellic bitter alone gain ∼31% problem combination put together temozolomide but no become cold was discovered after discourse with clomipramine and boswellic acid. Cubicle cycle take into custody and necrobiosis was iatrogenic in blemish to 95% of spongioblastoma cells in vitro from way back levels clasp pStat3 were reduced shun 83% compulsion 26% encircle CSC ample cultures. Occidental blots charge ELISAs showed a become stable in cMYC,