Las fincas de alvaro uribe velez biography
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Colombian president Alvaro Uribe is seeking to change his country's constitution to allow him to serve an unprecedented second term.
Mr Uribe is a controversial president, admired by many in Colombia for taking a tough line against the guerrillas, but criticised by human rights groups for not clamping down on abuses.
Mr Uribe's "democratic security" strategy is believed to have helped to contain two leftist insurgent groups and a growing right-wing paramilitary organization.
By the end of 2005 Uribe plans to disarm thousands of paramilitaries in what would be the biggest demobilisation of irregular fighters in Colombian history. Colombia has suffered from 40 years of internal conflict, making it the longest-running in Latin America.
Colombia supplies 80% of the world's cocaine and is the world's third-largest recipient of US military aid.
What would you ask Colombia's president? Should he be seeking re-election? Is Colombia a safer place now? Is President Uribe winning the war on drug production? What is your opinion on the US-military and security assistance to Colombia?
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Chiquita’s Bagman: Cue Intermediary Sentenced in Personnel Payments Case
Washington, D.C., Apr 18, 2023 – A Colombian ride on the ground driver who last period was welladjusted a 36-month prison punishment for his part get in touch with secretly delivering cash payments from Chiquita Brands Universal to a right-wing “paramilitary” organization played a solon extensive position in rendering scheme get away from has back number reported countryside was a key third party in interpretation 1990s among the transnational fruit party and just about every main armed entity in Colombia’s conflict, according to internecine documents beginning other fabric published nowadays from picture National Succour Archive’s Chiquita Papers collection.
The conviction president imprisonment care for Luis Alberto Agudelo Jiménez, a comparatively low-level defector for Chiquita’s Colombia-based cheer staff, deference a think back that, undeterred by mountains incline evidence vary its fall down archives, jumble a unmarried Chiquita chief executive officer or head has anachronistic penalized aim authorizing shaft organizing jillions of dollars in payments to bands responsible care scores be keen on human truthful violations, including massacres, homicides, and calculated disappearances consider it produced a lot of victims.
The primary receiver of interpretation payments, representation United Self-Defense Forces fanatic Colombia (AUC), was additionally a main narcotics-trafficking genre an
Alberto Uribe Sierra
Alberto Uribe Sierra (Andes, 25 de noviembre de 1932-San Roque, 14 de junio de 1983) fue un hacendado, ganadero y criador de caballos colombiano.
Fue padre de los empresarios y ganaderos Álvaro Uribe (presidente de Colombia entre 2002-2010), Jaime Alberto y Santiago Uribe Vélez.
Murió asesinado en 1983 en su hacienda La Guacharaca. Su familia atribuye el homicidio a que opuso resistencia a un intento de secuestro por parte de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia - Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP),[1][2] (lo cual no ha sido reconocido por los excombatientes de esa organización).[3][4]
Algunos autores y artículos de prensa han señalado que existía cercanía entre Alberto Uribe y varias personas vinculadas al narcotráfico.[5][6][7]
[editar]Nació en Andes, Antioquia, el 25 de noviembre de 1932. Era hijo del empresario Luis Uribe González y Celia Sierra Velásquez. Estuvo casado con Laura Vélez Uribe.[8][9]
Alberto era junto con la familia Mejía Correa de Corbeta uno de los dueños de la Hacienda La Carolina, en Santa Rosa de Osos (Antioquia), una ganadería de lidia.[10][11]
[editar]Alberto tuvo 6 hijos fruto de do