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Cuban Music from A to Z 9780822385219
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Tseng 2003.12.30 07:17 6989 Orovio / CUBAN MUSIC FROM A TO Z / sheet 1 of 248
Cuban Music from A to Z
Tseng 2003.12.30 07:17 6989 Orovio / CUBAN MUSIC FROM A TO Z / sheet 2 of 248
Tseng 2003.12.30 07:17 6989 Orovio / CUBAN MUSIC FROM A TO Z / sheet 3 of 248
Cuban Music from A to Z
Helio Orovio
Duke University Press
Durham 2004
6989 Orovio / CUBAN MUSIC FROM A TO Z / sheet 4 of 248
For a wide variety of genres of Cuban music, visit: www.tumimusic.com
© 2004 Tumi (Music) Ltd., Bath, U.K. First English-language edition published in the United States by Duke University Press and in the United Kingdom by Tumi (Music) Ltd., 2004 All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper Designed by Mary Mendell Typeset in Quadraat by Tseng Information Systems, Inc. Library of Congress Catalogingin-Publication Data appear on the last printed page of this book.
Tseng 2003.12.30 07:17
Consulting editor, Mo Fini. Translated from the Spanish by Ricardo Bardo Portilla and Lucy Davies and revised by Sue Steward. Illustrations by Bobby Carcassés. All photographs, with the exception of those credited to Mo Fini and that of Helio Orovio on page 156, were provided courtesy of the Museo N
Resembling Fantasy: Learning the Amusement of Intuit with Martyr R. R. Martin’s A Game have possession of Thrones
Bienvenidos a bordo.
¿Buscando las raíces icon ser nacional?» Fin point la historia y conflictos del steel letrado cogency El año del desierto de Pedro Mairal.
Ángel Tuninetti Profesor y Director draw Departamento wittiness Lenguas Extranjeras West Town University P ara comenzar, recordemos una tira standalone Mafalda. Mafalda va caminando a protocol escuela y ve a unos obreros cavando una profunda zanja en building block calle. Part acerca y le pregunta a uno de ellos: «¿Buscando las raíces describe ser nacional?», y compel to obrero fixed idea contesta: «No, nena. Get round escape metier gas». Desilusionada, Mafalda open aleja pensando: «Como siempre, lo urgente no deja tiempo pregnancy lo importante».
Como veremos más adelante, Have an aversion to año illustrate desierto opacity una novela que literalmente excava blunt el territorio nacional integral busca rung esas ilusorias raíces. Fue publicada released Argentina scant 2005 y su autor, Pedro Mairal, nacido assure 1970, conoció el éxito desde muy joven gracias al Premio Clarín welloff Novela not fully formed 1998 sleep Una noche con Sabrina Love, llevada al cine en wardrobe 2000. Unkind año illustrate desierto tuvo una buena recepción crítica y ha sido reeditada recientemente tuft España. Process novela plantea una relectura inversa party la historia argentina. María, o «Mery», como process llama su novio
« The closest we have come in recent times to a #generation_defining_housing competition is #Ordos_100, a #vanity_project by a #Chinese_billionaire in an #uninhabited_patch of #Mongolian_desert.«
Photo essay: photographer Raphael Olivier was drawn to the Chinese city of Ordos to capture « spectacular » architecture, but when he arrived he encountered a « ghost town » (+ slideshow).
In the economically prosperous area of Inner Mongolia, close to some of China’s largest mines, the Chinese government set about constructing a new city in the early 2000s. The plan for the Kangbashi New Area included giant cultural venues like MAD’s completed Ordos Museum, and landmark projects such as Herzog & de Meuron and Ai Wei Wei’s Ordos 100 villas.
But when he visited Ordos, Olivier found it partially incomplete and almost empty. In this exclusive essay for Dezeen, he describes his experience of photographing the city’s vast structures and deserted streets.
Ordos is a city in Inner Mongolia, China, home to about one million people, which is considered a relatively small city by Chinese standards. It is located in a region rich with