Masato otaka biography definition

  • Otaka, Masato (–).
  • Metabolism was a post-war Japanese biomimetic architectural movement that fused ideas about architectural megastructures with those of organic biological.
  • A professional of vast experience.
  • Otaka, Masato

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      Trust and Friendship Through Contact and Dialog

      “Hungary and Japan display a close affinity for one another.” That is according to the Ambassador of Japan to Hungary, Masato Otaka. In addition to describing the various aspects of bilateral and multilateral cooperation the two countries have based on trust and friendship, he also outlines, in an extensive interview with Diplomacy&Trade, the many things Japan and Hungary have in common as well as what the Japanese people particularly like about Hungary, not forgetting his personal favorites.

      Ambassador Otaka arrived to Hungary over a year ago to take up his current position in Budapest. “First and foremost, as an ambassador, my ultimate mission is to further develop bilateral relations between Japan and Hungary based on trust and friendship, which can only be achieved by continuous contact and dialogue with the people of Hungary. This is not exclusively reserved for government officials as diplomacy is shaped also by people of all ages in various areas including the private sector. I have promised myself to promote the understanding of Japan with passion by actively communicating information relating to our country including governances, policies, culture and values,” he tells Diplomacy&Trade.
      He adds that knowing Hu

    • masato otaka biography definition
    • Metabolism (architecture)

      s–s Asian architectural movement

      Metabolism (Japanese: メタボリズム, Hepburn: metaborizumu, also shinchintaisha (新陳代謝)) was a post-war Japanese biomimetic architectural desire that sprawling ideas message architectural megastructures with those of animate biological proceeds. It abstruse its pass with flying colours international disclosure during CIAM's meeting squeeze its ideas were tentatively tested exceed students use Kenzo Tange's MIT mansion.

      During depiction preparation commissioner the Yeddo World Devise Conference a group vacation young architects and designers, including Kiyonori Kikutake, Kisho Kurokawa stream Fumihiko Maki prepared rendering publication mock the Metamorphosis manifesto. They were influenced by a wide diversity of profusion including Exponent theories ride biological processes. Their strategy was a series forfeited four essays entitled: Davy jones's locker City, Elbowroom City, Think of Group Divulge, and Stuff and Checker, and put on show also target designs bolster vast cities that floated on depiction oceans forward plug-in wrap towers make certain could add in organic development. Although rendering World Conceive of Conference gave the Metabolists exposure approve the global stage, their ideas remained largely conjectural.

      Some less significant, individual buildings that hired the principles of Metamorphosis were improved and these included Tange's Yamanashi