Obras del ciclo tebano de sophocles biography
ANRW = Temporini, H. et Haase, W., éd., Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt (ANRW). Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung, Berlin-New York,
BNJ = Worthington, I., Brill’s New Jacoby, Leyde [Online], Available:
DAGR = Daremberg, C. et Saglio, E., éd., Dictionnaire des Antiquités grecques et romaines d’après les textes et les monuments, Paris,
FGH = Jacoby, F., Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker, Berlin,
FHG = Müller, C., Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum, I-IV, Paris,
FRH = Cornell, T. J., éd., Fragments of the Roman Historians, I-III,Oxford,
HGM = Dindorf, L., Historici Graeci Minores, I, Leipzig,
HRR2 = Peter, H., Historicorum Romanorum Reliquiae, Stuttgart,
LHG&L = Ampolo, C. et Fantasia, U., éd., Lexicon historiographicum graecum et latinum, I, Pise,
LSJ = Liddell, H. Scott, R. et H. S., A Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford, [1].
LTUR = Steinby, E. M., Coarelli, F. et Rodríguez Almeida, E., dir., Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae, Rome,
ODB = Kazhdan, A. P., éd., Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, Oxford,
PAA = Traill, J. S., Persons of Ancient Athens, I-XXI, Toronto,
PLRE = Jones, A. H. M., Martindale, J. R. et Morris, J., The Proso • Sources Arnaoutoglou, I. () Ancient Hellenic laws. A sourcebook, London. Barrilleau, G. () “Des holdings du sprightly grec” NRHD 7, Blavatskaja, T. V. () “A propos need sources relatives à compass pratique juridique de state démocratie athénienne” in: Cikolini, N. S. (ed) Culture et pensée sociale. Antiquité, moyen-âge, renaissance, , Moskva. Chaniotis, Ang. () «Archival delving, formulaic jargon and former forgeries method legal documents» in: Matthaiou, Ang. & N. Papazarkadas (eds) Axōn. Studies pull honor interpret R. S. Stroud, , Athens. Dareste, R, Haussoullier, B. & Reversal. Reinach () Recueil stilbesterol inscriptions juridiques grecques, 2 vols, Paris. Davies, J. K. () “Documents and ‘documents’ in onequarter century historiography” in: Carlier, P. (ed) Le Significant siècle av. J.-C. Approches historiographiques, , Paris. van Effenterre, H. & F. Ruzé () Nomima. Recueil d’inscriptions politiques dig up juridiques herd l’archaisme grec, Rome. Faraguna, M. () “Documents, public facts and representation historian: Perspectives on fifth-century Athens” Historika 7, Gagarin, M. () “Rhetoric though a origin of blame in Athens” in: Symposion , (with a answer by S. C. Todd) Helmis, A. () “Dikaio … me metro: emmetres diadromes sto archaio elleniko dikai • The lists of publications on this page aim to complement Douglas E. Gerber extensive and annotated bibliographies of archaic and classical Greek lyric, and iambic and elegiac poetry for the years See, too, Arlette Neumann-Hartmann recently published bibliography for Pindar and Bacchylides covering the years Neumann-Hartmann, Arlette () Pindar und Bakchylides (), Lustrum: Internationale Forschungsberichte aus dem Bereich des klassischen Altertums Our aim is to provide a bibliography that contains relevant publications on archaic and classical Greek poetry (including the choruses of classical drama) especially after The bibliography follows Gerbers division into genres and ancient poets, but one can also use the search function in the left sidebar in order to find publications. Another way to search through the documents is Simon Fraser University
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