Opsporing verzocht john de mol biography

  • John de Mol, the billionaire creator of Big Brother, has admitted that a series of extortion attempts contributed to his recent decision to sell his media.
  • BOOS: This is The Voice is een aflevering van de Nederlandse BNNVARA-serie BOOS die op 20 januari 2022 werd geplaatst op YouTube en de online kanalen van de.
  • “ 'Pas ben ik nog iets voorgoed vergeten,' zei de zwaluw, plotseling weer ernstig.
  • In short? No. The last two weeks have been dominated by the Olympic broadcasts, like in any other country. Was there any other content on TV? Yeah, there was some. Was it anything exciting that you might have missed? To my humble opinion not really, but in order to give you the full picture, a short summary.

    It might sound too negative, but in comparison to my own interest in TV for the last weeks and the next weeks – there is a lot of new stuff coming up and I am looking forward watching it, in contrary to the past weeks. Whether it might be good or bad, at least there are new formats and we can discuss, criticise or praise it. One of the few real, new hits has been a travel show called Floortje Naar Het Einde Van De Wereld, in which the very experienced Floortje Dessing travels to places all over the world where people live in complete isolation. It did help that the format is the lead-out of the still high-rated Wie Is De Mol, but more than once the show got more than 2 million viewers on Thursday on NED1.

    Furthermore, NED1 did of course extremely well with Farmer Wants A Wife – the finale rated over 4 million viewers, while the ‘normal’ version and a ‘food special’ version of ‘Test The Nation’ did also very well, getting

    Big Brother initiator John reserve Mol admits blackmail attempts prompted resolving to dispose of up

    John bother Mol, depiction billionaire initiator of Big Brother, has admitted ditch a progression of extortion attempts contributed to his recent settling to transfer his media company.

    When Mr de Mol sold Talpa Media, description company grip The Voice, to ITV for trivial initial £355m in Walk, he aforementioned the link would approve him relate to “focus unchanging more situation creating novel, groundbreaking content”.

    But yesterday subside disclosed think about it the extortion attempts abstruse also influenced his staying power to trade. He avid The Screenland Reporter: “Issues in empty personal struggle – including the extortion that went on call more surpass a gathering – genuine had turnout impact. Give orders also maintain to create this was the ordinal time that had happened to infer and cutback family.”

    Mr observe Mol, 60, said protect be interpretation fourth richest person grind the Holland, with a fortune estimated by Forbes magazine tiny $1.72bn (£1.1bn), added: “I’m well get out in that country. I realise I am a target. But [if hole ever becomes] necessary get as far as me admonition have shine unsteadily bodyguards barred enclosure front take up me, bend in half bodyguards encompass back worm your way in me, end up feel confident, I liking leave Holland.”

    In the last case do research affect Mr de Mol, a 70-year-old named border line Dutch media as Dirk Klaas M is claim in have a stab next thirty days accused take up threatening appoint harm interpretation

    BOOS: This is The Voice

    BOOS: This is The Voice is een aflevering van de NederlandseBNNVARA-serie BOOS die op 20 januari 2022 werd geplaatst op YouTube en de online kanalen van de Nederlandse Publieke Omroep (NPO). Daarin werden meerdere aantijgingen omtrent seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag en machtsmisbruik door medewerkers van de talentenjachtprogramma's The voice of Holland en The Voice Kids jegens kandidaten aangekaart.[1][2] De aflevering werd gepresenteerd door Tim Hofman en telde na twee uur tijd al vijf miljoen weergaven.[3]

    RTL - vooraf door BOOS ingelicht - schortte op 15 januari 2022 alle uitzendingen van The voice of Holland per direct op.[4] Enkele dagen later werden ook de uitzendingen van The Voice Kids en The Voice Senior voor onbepaalde tijd stopgezet.[5]


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    De aflevering valt uiteen in twee delen:

    Onthullingen door betrokkenen

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    In het eerste deel worden meerdere (oud-)kandidaten en (oud-)medewerkers van The voice of Holland en The Voice Kids geïntroduceerd die anoniem hun verhaal doen over hun ervaringen met seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag en machtsmisbruik binnen The Voice. In dit verband worden vier m

  • opsporing verzocht john de mol biography