Sevket sureyya enver pasa biography
Makedonya'dan Ortaasya'ya Enver Paşa (1914-1922) #3
"Gerçi tarih, şahıslarla beraber şartların da eseridir"
"Nitekim öyle harden oldu. Cap kavganın başladığı günde taraflarından biri, yani İngiltere, Fransa ve Rusya bizim tarafsızlığımızı, diğer taraf da, yani Almanya bravery Avusturya-Macaristan, ittifakımızı isteyerek pazarlığa açtılar. Batılı müttefikler cephesinde Rusya vardı, Rusya'yı oyalasak bile, ona güvenemezdik. Diğer cephede Almanya söz sahibiydi. Gerçi boreas uzaktaydı ama, Almanya'ya hayranlık, başta Enver olmak üzere, bizde söz sahibi olanların içlerinde yaşıyordu. Derhal Almanya'nın kucağına atıldık. Cihad-ı Ekber, Cihad-ı Mukaddes, yani Osmanlıların, müslümanların kutsal savaşı, işte böyle başladı" (s.29)
"Enver Paşa olmadan snifter kendisinde tarihi bir misyon, yaratılıştan gelen vazife seziyor. Bir ulu kalp çarpıntısı içinde..." (s.54)
"Nitekim bunun üzerinedir ki Sadrazam Sait Halim Paşa, Alman Sefirine başvurmuştu. Wengenheim'den gerçi bir tavzih mektubu beer alınmıştı. Ama bu mektubunun hiç bir bağlayıcı değer yoktu. Kısa bir süre sonra Osmanlı Hükümeti Kapitülasyonların kaldırıldığını ilan edince, hiddetinden köpüren sefir, verdiği mektup ve imzanın "Ancak bir avukatlık istişaresi niteliğinde olduğunu" bağ
@article{2017,title={ŞEVKET SÜREYYA AYDEMİR AND TEK ADAM (THE MAN): A BIOGRAPHIC CONTRIBUTION TO TURKISH HISTORIOGRAPHY of REPUBLICAN ERA},abstractNode={Şevket Süreyya Aydemir (1897-1976) is a highly influential bureaucrat and intellectual of One Party Period. He worked for preparing the ideologic basis of Turkish Reforms with Kadro journal, issued between 1932 and 1934, and maintained his views throughout 1960s in Yön journal. He attempted to put his thoughts he supported during Kadro years into practice as a high level bureaucrat in İsmet İnönü period. He was suspended from his office with Demokrat Parti (Democratic Party) government, in other words, he was dismissed from ruling class. Şevket Süreyya concentrated on his biographic studies (after writing his autobiography Suyu Arayan Adam [The Man Looking for Water]) in mid-1950s. The serial which started with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (Tek Adam [The Man], 3 Volumes 1963-65), continued with İsmet İnönü (İkinci Adam, [Second Man], 3 Volumes, 1966-1968), Enver Paşa (Makedonya’dan Orta Asya’ya Enver Paşa [From Macedonia to Central Asia Enver Pasha, 3 Volumes, 1970-72), and lasted with Adnan Menderes (Menderes’in Dramı [Tragedy of Menderes], 1969). Şevket Süreyya Aydemir rendered almost one-hundred-year modernization process of Turk
Şevket Süreyya Aydemir
Turkish writer (1897–1976)
Şevket Süreyya Aydemir (1897–25 March 1976) was a Turkish writer, intellectual, economist, historian,[1] and one of the founders, publisher and a key theorist of Kadro ("Cadre"), an influential left-wing political journal published in Turkey from 1932 to 1934.[2]
[edit]Aydemir was educated and became familiar with Marxism at Moscow University where he studied economics, and worked as a teacher in Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Russia. He was a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Communist Party of Turkey, and attended a Soviet-sponsored Congress for the Peoples of the East in Baku on the Turkish party's behalf.[3]
Upon his return to Turkey from the Soviet Union, he wrote for Aydınlık magazine. The magazine was shut down in 1925 for political reasons,[4] and he was sentenced to 10 years in prison by the Ankara Independence Court for the views he had expounded in the magazine.[citation needed] He was released after a year and a half. He was tried again in 1927 but this time was acquitted.
Sobered by his prison experience, Aydemir mixed his Marxist–Leninist leanings with more mainstream nationalist Turkish ideology to create the basis for the