Shiori kutsuna bikini malfunction

  • Appearance.
  • Kutsuna makes things.
  • Kutsuna Shiori:0.8>,.
  • Appearance

    Welcome to the Muse Roster! You're more than welcome to browse through them all at once or sort out different groups. If you have any questions, just ask. Permanent starter calls/interest checks for each group are available here. And there is an in depth Interest Check here. And if you're not comfortable with the google doc, individual interest checks and about posts (including major AUs for each muse) are here. A quick rundown of how I sort them: Primary are the 'loudest', Secondary are just as 'loud' but take less priority, both of these are open to crossovers even if they're pretty confined to their own Verses. Limited Muses are request only, considered NPCs in their Verse, and/or are TEST muses. TEST muses are really only in the 'testing' stage until I come up with a formal tag and their level of muse settles.

    I select my Face Claims based on facial structure and ethnicity (or in certain cases the ~vibes~). More details on muse backgrounds will be in their respective profile. If there's any confusion please feel free to ask me, but hopefully it's concise enough...though as a reminder birthdays are listed here in DD/MM.

    Verse info can be found here.

    A note about the Ever After High and Monster High Muses

    My Ever After High muses are UA after the

    A female in a white shirt and jet skirt rancid for a picture

    Some things delay can one be whispered here.
  • shiori kutsuna bikini malfunction
  • Prime Time Drama Preview � Winter 2013

    The upcoming winter season for dramas has already begun (the earliest prime time drama starts on January 8th) and all the important announcements have already been made. During the mid-season it was time for the networks to promote their upcoming dramas as much as they can in order to attract as many viewers as possible for their season premieres.

    What happens after that depends on how viewers experience the framework consisting of the story, the acting, and the pacing. Is the story compelling enough to make you want to watch the next episode? Is the acting convincing enough to draw you into the world it's trying to create? Is the presentation of the characters and the story dragging too much or maybe even feels a bit rushed?

    Before the actual premiere, there are several components that greatly influence the hype and consequently the rating of the first episode. Just try to ask yourself why you are looking forward to a particular drama. Do you like the cast? Do you like the premise? Did you like the original novel/manga and are curious about the live-action adaption? The drama announcements usually are made within one or two months before the actual season and therefore it's easy to get lost within this vast amount of information.