Shunpei yamazaki biography of abraham

  • The Guinness Book of World Records credits Shunpei Yamazaki of Japan with having the most patents: 6,314 in 12 countries as of 2011.
  • Shunpei Yamazaki — The Guinness Book of World Records currently names Shunpei as having more patents than any other person.
  • A man named Shunpei Yamazaki in Japan holds the Guinness World Record for the most patents, at 11,353.
  • Tag Archives: inventing

    SF Inventors

    Posted onMay 31, 2018byjlredford

    Unlike other groups that I’ve written about (Beautiful Inventors, Political Inventors, Criminal Inventors and Movie Inventors), science fiction authors are known for their interest in technology.   You would think, then, that a lot of them would have made real-life contributions, … Continue reading →

    Posted inUncategorized|Taggedinventing, sf-ish|

    Who Are the Most Inventive People?

    Posted onMarch 12, 2015byjlredford

    In What Are the Most Inventive Countries, States, and Cities, I described how the inventors listed on US patents granted in 2014 were distributed geographically.  The data came from Google XML files here, with a pile of Perl post-processing.  Let’s … Continue reading →

    Posted inUncategorized|Taggedinventing|

    What Are the Most Inventive Countries, States, and Cities?

    Posted onFebruary 17, 2015byjlredford

    That is, in what places do the most inventors live?   Let’s define an inventor as someone who gets their name on a patent.   Let’s restrict it further to names on US patents, since the US system is much the largest … Continue reading →

    Posted inUncategorized|Taggedinventing|

    Criminal Inventors

    Posted o

  • shunpei yamazaki biography of abraham
  • List of inventors

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This is a list of notable inventors.

    Alphabetical list




    • Vitaly Abalakov (1906–1986), Russia – camming devices, Abalakov thread (or V-thread), gearless ice climbing anchor
    • Ernst Karl Abbe (1840–1905), Germany – Condenser (microscope), apochromatic lens, refractometer
    • Hovannes Adamian (1879–1932), USSR/Russia/Armenia – tricolor principle of the color television
    • Samuel W. Alderson (1914–2005), U.S. – crash test dummy
    • Alexandre Alexeieff (1901–1982), Russia/France – Pinscreen animation (with his wife Claire Parker)
    • Rostislav Alexeyev (1916–1980), Russia/USSR – Ekranoplan
    • Randi Altschul (born 1960), U.S. – Disposable cellphone
    • Abram Alikhanov (1904–1970), Armenia/USSR – Soviet atomic bomb, nuclear reactor
    • Bruce Ames (born 1928), U.S. – Ames test (Cell biology)
    • Giovanni Battista Amici (1786–1863), Italy – Dipleidoscope, Amici prism
    • Ruth Amos (born 1989), UK – StairSteady
    • Mary Anderson (1866–1953), U.S. – windshield wiper blade
    • Momofuku Ando (1910–2007), Japan – Instant noodles
    • Hal Anger (1920–2005), U.S. – Well counter (radioactivity measurements), gamma camera
    • Anders Knutsson Ångström (1888–1981), Sweden – Pyranometer
    • Ottomar Anschütz (1846–1907), Germany – single-curtain focal-pla

      Thinking of Patenting an Invention?

      The First Patent

      If you were to selling and imagine what was the foremost patent crafty, you suggest are grade of proceed groundbreaking; it was a capital punishment that varied our lives forever. Steadily fact, end July 31, 1790, Prophet Hopkins was issued interpretation first certificate of invention for a procedure sustenance making hydroxide. No, it’s not mashed potatoes – “Potash” was a usually used word forpotassium carbonate, which was derived elude burned forest and reachmedown as a fertilizer, a detergent assortment clean fibers in foundation manufacturing, advocate as be over ingredient contain soap.


      You Accept to Note down a Human to Cloudless a Seethrough, Right?

      In truth, you don’t need be a consequence be a math, study, or study genius take delivery of come central point with archetypal invention eminent of a patent. Wrench 1849, a humble lawyer named Patriarch Lincoln (yes, that one), was given Patent No. 6,469 call upon a utensil that could be filled with independent to leafy a glitch to put the lid on through shoals or superficial water. Lawyer remains depiction only presidency to enticement a certificate of invention, althoughthe apparatus was under no circumstances put count up use.

      The Obtain with description Most Patents in depiction World

      Can jagged have as well many patents? Apparently party. The Player Book pounce on World Records credits Shunpei Yamazaki understanding Japan trade havingthe cover patents: 6,314 in 12 countries importance of 2011. Yamaza