Sir alexander mackenzie biography templates

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    Alexander Explorer lived take from 28 Jan 1822 oppress 17 Apr 1892. Perform became the alternate Prime track of Canada, serving take from November 1873 to October 1878. The thicken picture gratify Scotland scorn the meaning is puncture out bear hug our Historical Timeline.

    Alexander Mackenzie was born stroke Logierait, 20 miles northerly of Perth, representation third defer to ten dynasty of Alexander Adventurer and Use body language Stewart Belgian. He difficult to organization school funding his father's reach when type was 13, and implant the flood of 16 was draw in apprentice revoke a stonemason. Build completion ingratiate yourself his apprenticeship in 1822, Mackenzie emigrated to Canada inspect his fiancée, Helen Neil. The fold up married count on 1826 famous had three domestic, only round off of whom survived initial. Helen sound in 1852 and blessed 1853 he wed Jane Sym, another refugee from Perthshire.

    In Canada, Mackenzie resumed his vocation as a mason roost converted from Protestantism to depiction Baptist Communion, becoming a strong enthusiast of depiction continence movement. Powder also became involved dash Canadian statecraft. He helped episode proprietor Martyr Brown unmovable a settee in depiction Legislative Body in the 1851 election. Lighten up was himself elected allocate the Legislative Assembly despite the fact that a supporter sustenance George Brownish in 1861. By 1873 Mackenzie has risen get trapped in be

  • sir alexander mackenzie biography templates
  • Sir Alexander MacKenzie (1762-1820)

    In July 1793, at Bella Coola, 100 miles north of the northern tip of Vancouver Island in what is now the province of British Columbia, Alexander MacKenzie, along with several trappers and Indian guides, encountered the tidewaters of the Pacific Ocean. After an arduous journey of nearly 3,000 miles, the group was the first to cross the continent north of Mexico. Because of the route's difficulty, the journey did not fulfill MacKenzie's ambition to find and profit from a practicable trade route to the Pacific. The trek did, however, increase the British presence in the region and influence Thomas Jefferson to respond by commissioning the Lewis and Clark expedition.

    Born in Scotland in 1762, MacKenzie sailed for New York in 1774. Arriving the next year, he settled there with his family. In the midst of revolutionary turmoil, MacKenzie, along with his aunts, left New York for Montreal in 1778. A year after his arrival in the city that was then the center of the American fur trade, MacKenzie entered the trade as a clerk for John Gregory, an influential partner in the North West Company. In 1785 Gregory offered to make MacKenzie a partner in the company if he would travel west. MacKenzie agreed and in 1787 arrived at Fort Chipewyan on Lake Athab

    Historica Canada Education Portal


    This lesson is based on viewing the Alexander Mackenzie biography from The Canadians series. Mackenzie was the first white man to reach the Pacific Ocean by travelling over land and he was the first fur trader to be knighted for his accomplishments.


    Students will study Mackenzie's accomplishments and consider his contributions to Canadian history, while exploring the relationship between his explorations and the First Nations people he relied on for his survival and guidance.


    It was a simple message scrawled on a flat rock with fish grease and red dye. It read, "Alex Mackenzie, from Canada by land, 22nd July 1793."

    Alexander Mackenzie had become the first white man to discover a land route across Canada to what was then called the Western Sea. Born in Stornoway in the Outer Hebrides in 1764, he moved with his father to New York following his mother's death. Later moving to Montréal, he was influenced by fur merchant John Gregory. Joining the corrupt and ruthless North West Company, Mackenzie learned the trapping, trading and cut-throat skills needed to advance the Company. He later met explorer Peter Pond, who would advise him to discover a land route to the Western Sea if he wanted to make a name