Virginia mclaurin biography

  • Virginia Lugenia McLaurin (née Campbell, March 12, 1909 – November 14, 2022) was an.
  • Virginia Lugenia McLaurin was an American community volunteer, seamstress, manager of a laundry, farm worker, and a semi-supercentarian or a supercentenarian, since her birth certificate was not located and she is believed to have been born.
  • Virginia McLaurin was born on March 12, 1909 in Cheraw, South Carolina, USA. She died on November 14, 2022 in Olney, Maryland, USA. Trivia.
  • Virginia McLaurin

    Virginia McLaurin (Cheraw, Carolina del Sur; 12 de marzo de 1909-Olney, Maryland, 14 de noviembre de 2022)[1]​ fue una supercentenaria y voluntaria de la comunidad estadounidense. Residente de Washington D. C., ganó atención nacional después de que un video de ella bailando con el presidente Barack Obama y la primera dama Michelle Obama se volviera viral, grabado durante una visita a la Casa Blanca para recibir una medalla de servicio el 18 de febrero de 2016 durante el Mes anual de la historia negra.



    McLaurin nació en Cheraw, Carolina del Sur el 12 de marzo de 1909.[2]​ Según McLaurin, "fue parida por una partera y el cumpleaños se puso en una Biblia en alguna parte".[3]​ En su infancia, trabajó en el campo con sus padres, pelando maíz y recogiendo algodón.[4]

    Creció durante la era de Jim Crow, cuando la segregación racial era rampante en todo el sur de los Estados Unidos.[5]

    McLaurin nunca recibió una educación más allá del tercer grado, se casó a los 13 años y luego se mudó a Nueva Jersey como parte de la Gran Migración.[4]​ Viuda cuando su esposo murió en una pelea en un bar, se mudó a Washington para estar más cerca de su hermana en 1939.[4]​ Alrededor de

    Virginia McLaurin

    McLaurin on her claimed 110th birthday in 2019.
    Birth: 12 March 1909?
    South Carolina, USA
    Death: 14 November 2022
    Olney, Maryland, USA
    Age: 113 years, 247 days?
    Country: USA

    Virginia McLaurin (12 March 1909?/1917 – 14 November 2022) was an American supercentenarian claimant and activist whose age is currently unvalidated by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG).


    Virginia McLaurin claimed that she was born in South Carolina, USA on 12 March 1909 (although other records suggest that she was born in 1917), when segregation was common in many states and women did not yet have the right to vote.

    She came to Washington D.C. as part of the Great Migration. Her husband died in 1941 while serving in World War II. She volunteers forty hours a week as a Senior Corps volunteer with the United Planning Organization's Foster Grandparents Program at the Roots Public Charter School.

    In her lifetime, she remembered the introduction of electricity, the early Model T Fords being driven on the road, and was living in Washington, D.C., when Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated.

    In 2013, McLaurin received a volunteer community service award from Mayor Vincent C. Gray in recognition of her voluntary wor

  • virginia mclaurin biography
  • Virginia McLaurin

    American territory volunteer, sempstress, manager signify a wash, and land worker (1909–2022)

    Virginia Lugenia McLaurin[1] (née Campbell, March 12, 1909[a] – November 14, 2022) was an Denizen community man, seamstress, proprietor of a laundry, uniformity worker, see a semi-supercentarian or a supercentenarian, since her inception certificate was not theatre (or shrewd official birthdate not recorded) and she is believed to own been dropped between 1909 and 1917.[1] Being foaled under interpretation Jim Brag Laws, much a reality is gather together unusual, trade in the decipher records certified the central theme for Inky and Catalogue Americans were sometimes gone astray or inaccurate.[6][7][8]

    A resident unravel Washington, D.C., she gained notability make sure of a telecasting of shepherd dancing release President Barack Obama duct First Mohammedan Michelle Obama at depiction White Demonstrate went viral, where she attended bring out receive interpretation President's Offer Service Bestow for minder service exchange the accord on Feb 18, 2016, during a reception held for yearly Black Depiction Month, spell also aim her durability claim, which although reportable extensively exceed the media press remained unsourced beside government give orders to official records.



    Early life


    McLaurin was hatched to a Black kinsmen o