Abu dhabi wikipedia srpski jezik

  • Abu Dabi ili Abu Zabi (arap.
  • Abu Dabi (arabsko Abu Zabi) je glavno mesto Združenih arabskih emiratov in istoimenskega emirata.
  • The Emirate of Abu Dhabi [3] is one of seven emirates that constitute the United Arab Emirates.
  • par

    See also:Appendix:Variations of "par"



    Etymology 1






    1. Abbreviation of paragraph.
      • 2022, Liam McIlvanney, The Heretic, page 419:

        And this particular Chisolm — as the papers had spelled out in headlines and opening pars — had been a soldier, a corporal in the British Army.

    2. Abbreviation of parenthesis.
    3. Abbreviation of parish.




    1. Abbreviation of parallel.

    Etymology 2


    Borrowed from Frenchpar(“through, by”), from Latinper(“through”). Doublet of per.






    1. (in compounds) By; with.

    Usage notes

    • Used frequently in Middle English in phrases taken from French, being sometimes written as a part of the word which it governs; as, par amour, or paramour; par cas, or parcase; par fay, or parfay.

    Etymology 3


    Borrowed from Latinpār(“equal”).



    par (countable and uncountable, pluralpars)

    1. Equal value; equality of nominal and actual value; the value expressed on the face or in the words of a certificate of value, as a bond or other commercial paper.
    2. Equality of condition or circumstances.
    3. (golf, mostly uncountable) The allotted number of strokes to reach
    4. abu dhabi wikipedia srpski jezik
    5. Abu Dabi

      Abu Dabi ili Abu Zabi (arapski: أبو ظبي‎, dosl. otac gazele) je glavni gradUjedinjenih Arapskih Emirata te drugi po veličini grad te federacije (nakon Dubaija) i prijestolnica istoimenog Emirata Abu Dabi. Abu Dabi ima 630.000 stanovnika (2006.) u užem središtu grada,[2] a metropolitanski Abu Dabi ima 1,559.000 stanovnika.[2]


      [uredi | uredi kod]

      Abu Dabi je relativno novi grad, nastao tek 1761.[1] čitav 19. vijek i prvu polovicu 20. vijeka to je bio mali gradić, sjedište lokalnog emira, poznat po roniocima bisera i piratima. Sve se to promijenilo otkrićem velikih količina nafte 1958.[1]

      Od tad je počeo eksplozivni razvoj grada i nagla urbanizacija početkom 1970-ih Abu Dabi je izrastao u kozmopolitskumetropolu. Danas je on politički centar Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata (sjedište državnih institucija), centar industrije vezane u naftu, kulture, prosvjete i trgovine. Abu Dabi je 2008. zaradio oko 56% BDP-a Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata.


      [uredi | uredi kod]

      Porijeklo imena Abu Dabija nije posve jasno, postoji više teorija o nastanku imena. Po jednoj od teorija na tom terenu su živjele gazele (arapski: ẓabi). Po drugoj legendi grad je dobio ime po čovjeku koji je lovio antilope tj. "ocu

      Category:Arabic language

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