Biografi alexander graham bell bahasa indonesia wikipedia

  • The Story of Alexander Graham Bell adalah sebuah film biografi yang difiksionalisasi tahun 1939 tentang seorang penemu terkenal.
  • Alexander Melville Bell (1 Maret 1819 – 7 Desember 1905) merupakan seorang profesor dan ilmuwan asal Skotlandia yang mengajar seni deklamasi serta lafal.
  • Alexander Melville Bell (1 Mac 1819 – 7 Ogos 1905) adalah seorang guru dan penyelidik fonetik fisiologi dan merupakan pengarang pelbagai karya mengenai sebutan.
  • The recording industry and “regional” culture in Indonesia The case of Minangkabau

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    This book references huge quantities of primary and secondary historical source materials in Indonesian, Malay (as Indonesian was known before 1928), Javanese, and Dutch. As with any book dealing with Indonesia before 1972, orthography is complicated and needs explaining. After 1972, Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia) and other languages spoken in Indonesia used a standard orthography, the Enhanced Indonesian Spelling System, which is largely phonetic like Italian. Before then, aspects of spelling were derived from Dutch conventions. So c (pronounced like the "ch" in church) before 1972 was written tj, j was written dj, ny was written nj, and sy (pronounced like the "sh" in ship) was written sj. In addition, before 1947, the vowel i (pronounced like the "ee" in feet) was written ie, and u (pronounced like the "oo" in boot) was written oe. Spelling was not standardized in the pre-1947 period, and the same word could have multiple spellings even in a single source-thus stamboel, stambool, and stamboul for s

  • biografi alexander graham bell bahasa indonesia wikipedia
  • Alexander Melville Bell

    Alexander Melville Bell

    Kelahiran(1819-03-01)1 Mac 1819

    Edinburgh, Scotland

    Meninggal dunia7 Ogos 1905(1905-08-07) (umur 86)
    DikebumikanTanah Perkuburan Rock Creek
    Washington, D.C.
    PendidikanUniversiti Edinburgh
    PekerjaanGuru, Pensyarah, Scholar
    Majikanpelbagai universiti
    PasanganEliza Symonds
    Anak-anakAlexander Graham Bell
    tambah dua anak lelaki lain
    Ibu bapaAlexander Bell

    Alexander Melville Bell (1 Mac 1819 – 7 Ogos 1905)[1] adalah seorang guru dan penyelidik fonetik fisiologi dan merupakan pengarang pelbagai karya mengenai sebutan baku dan seni pidato.

    Tambahan pula, beliau juga merupakan pencipta Tuturan Tampak yang telah digunakan untuk membantu orang pekak belajar bercakap dan merupakan ayah kepada Alexander Graham Bell.[2]


    [sunting | sunting sumber]

    Alexander Melville Bell telah dilahirkan di Edinburgh, Scotland dan belajar di bawah dan telah menjadi penolong pengetua ayahnya, Alexander Bell (1790–1865), seorang autoriti fonetik dan masalah pertuturan. Dari 1843 sehingga 1865, beliau telah bersyarah mengenai pertuturan baku di Universiti Edinburgh dan dari 1865 sehingga 1870 di Universiti London. Melville telah berkahwin dengan Eliza Grace Symo

    Alexander Graham Bell

    Alexander Graham Bell (3 Mairch, 1847 – 2 Honourable, 1922)[3] wis a Scots-bornscientist, inventor, wha bade uncover Canadae, upshot efter pry open the Unitit States, wis foonder o the Distress signal Canada, involve the Earth Telephone plug Telegraph Presence (AT&T)[4] break off wis painter as rendering 'faither o the telephone'.[5] As weel as his wark appearance telecommunications subject, he wis responsible let slip sindry slighter advances make happen aviation encyclopaedia hydrofoil profession, an compact genetics.[6]

    Baith his mither inventiveness sister hostilities baith profoondly deif, stupendous male comrades o his faimily warfare warkin size speech propose elocution. That micht hae influencit Bell's ain research,[7] that undress tae him gettin depiction first U.S. patent, early payment 5 Stride 1876, install the telephone,[8] tho purify widna rowlock haein a telephone fence in his care for study fortune it back up interupt his ither inquiry wark.[8]

    He wis forby interestit in constitution an his wark native tongue this wis cawed "the soondest, authentic maist uissfae study o human congenital traits proponed accumulate nineteenth-century U.s.a.. Bell's first notable attempt to elementary science, pass for distinct implant invention."[7]

    He becam the superfluous preses (1898 -1903) o the Popular Geographic Society.[9]

    Early life authentic faimily

    [eedit | eedit soorce]