Hot aly raisman biography books

  • Looking for books by Aly Raisman?
  • We spoke with Raisman about her new memoir, and coming to terms with the darker side of her experience as an Olympic gymnast.
  • The former gymnast turned author of 'From My Head to My Toes' on Jay Shetty, 'Attached,' and The Book That Fills Her With Hope.
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    Olympian Aly Raisman's autobiography


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    Olympian Aly Raisman's autobiography

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    Olympian Aly Raisman's autobiography


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    Olympian Aly Raisman's autobiography


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    Copyright © 2017 by Aly Raisman

    Cover photo copyright © 2016 Tim Clayton/Getty Images. Cover design by

    Sasha Illingworth. Photo insert design by Angela Taldone. Cover copyright ©
    2017 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

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    Shelf Life: Aly Raisman

    Welcome to Shelf Life,’s books column, in which authors share their most memorable reads. Whether you’re on the hunt for a book to console you, move you profoundly, or make you laugh, consider a recommendation from the writers in our series, who, like you (since you’re here), love books. Perhaps one of their favorite titles will become one of yours, too.

    From My Head to My Toes by Aly Raisman

    From My Head to My Toes</i> by Aly Raisman" src=";center,top&resize=980:*" width="2559" height="2560">

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    She’s a three-time Olympic gymnastics gold medalist, but Aly Raisman will be the keynote speaker at U.S. Soccer’s SheBelieves Summit on women’s empowerment in Chicago later this month, coming on the heels of the publication of her first children’s book, From My Head to My Toes (Henry Holt Books for Young Readers) on the importance of self-love, consent, and bodily autonomy. Her previous book, the 2018 memoir Fierce, was a NYT bestseller. At the 2018 Espys, she and more than 100 other women took to the stage to accept the Arthur Ashe Courage Award in recognition of their bravery and courage in advocating for s

    Olympic Gymnast Aly Raisman's Memoir Holds Painful Revelations

    Only a small fraction of Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman’s new memoir, Fierce (Little, Brown, Nov.) is about Larry Nassar, the former team doctor for USA Gymnastics who is accused of sexually abusing Raisman, teammate McKayla Maroney, and more than 100 other gymnasts in his care. But Raisman—captain of the 2012 and 2016 gold medal-winning Olympic teams—is the most prominent gymnast to make the accusation to date and her revelation, at least briefly, overshadowed the rest of her story. Raisman appeared on both CBS’s 60 Minutes and NBC’s Today show in advance of the book’s release today.

    “I wanted to talk about what happened but I didn’t know how comfortable I would feel coming forward about it,” Raisman said. She didn’t even bring it up when she met with her publisher a year ago to discuss the topics she wanted to cover—not just the medals and her Olympic experiences in London and Rio de Janeiro, but body image, nutrition, and the pressure to be perfect.

    “I never mentioned anything about Larry,” said Raisman, “but all the self-reflecting that I did while I was writing started me thinking about

  • hot aly raisman biography books