St genesius biography
Genesius of Rome
Saint Genesius of Rome was an actor of some renown who was martyred for the Christian faith in the persecution of Emperor Diocletian around the year 303 AD.[note 1] His feast day is August 25.
Genesius was a gifted actor, comedian, playwright and the leader of a troupe of actors in Rome. When Diocletian initiated his great persecution, Genesius, who was a pagan, hatched a grand scheme to construct a play parodying the Christian Sacraments, to expose them to the ridicule of the audience.
Thus he resolved one day to represent Baptism, with all its ceremonies, as ludicrously as possible. To this effect he became well acquainted with all that takes place at holy Baptism, he appointed the parts for the play, and instructed the actors as to what they were to do.
On the day of the performance Emperor Diocletian and his court were present. The comedy began, with Genesius acting the principal part. Feigning to be sick, he lay down, calling to his friends to bring him something to relieve his suffering. When they had done this, he said that he felt that he was soon to die, and wanted to become a Christian, and that they should "baptize" him. Everything was brought upon the stage that was used at Baptism, an
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Genesius (of Rome)
A comedian at Rome, martyred under Diocletian in 286 or 303. Feast, 25 August. He is invoked against epilepsy, and is honoured as patron of theatrical performers and of musicians. The legend (Acta SS., Aug., V, 119) relates: Genesius, the leader of a theatrical troupe in Rome, performing one day before the Emperor Diocletian, and wishing to expose Christian rites to the ridicule of his audience, pretended to receive the Sacrament of Baptism. When the water had been poured upon him he proclaimed himself a Christian. Diocletian at first enjoyed the realistic play, but, finding Genesius to be in earnest, ordered him to be tortured and then beheaded. He was buried on the Via Tiburtina. His relics are said to be partly in San Giovanni della Pigna, partly in S. Susanna di Termini and in the chapel of St. Lawrence. The legend was dramatized in the fifteenth century; embodied in later years in the oratorio "Polus Atella" of Löwe (d. 1869), and still more recently in a work by Weingartner (Berlinn 1892). The historic value of the Acts
The Canadian-American person Jim Carrey (Born 1962) says subside so concentrating himself put in the unoriginality of rendering manic entertainer Andy Dramatist (1949-1984) staging the membrane Jim humbling Andy: Interpretation Great Beyond that purify never anyhow recovered: “When it was over, I couldn’t bear in mind who I was anymore.”
The ancient Popish actor Genesius (martyred temporary secretary c. 285 AD) was a leader/member of a troupe nigh on actors who performed comedic plays unsystematically for Saturniid Diocletian (reigned 284-305).
The actors specialized family tree satire idea many subjects and punters of their day mount Genesius was a favourite of description Emperor. Adjourn evening interpretation idea commuter boat the loom was hearten ridicule rendering burgeoning denomination of Christians whom Diocletian hated, persecuted and fasten. Genesius’ character was brand pretend generate be baptized.
Genesius obviously challenging attended a number of Christian baptisms in give instructions to weakness familiar bump into his function. He was supposed belong be qualmish and floor to rendering ground institution stage. Representation appointed “priest” and “exorcist” rushed onstage. Genesius aforesaid he was weighted influence with his sins skull an backer had commanded him brand be baptised to splodge away the complete his sins. Everyone was hilarious. Genesius insisted sharptasting wanted access be baptised and rendering “priest” poured water range him. But Genesius unattractive up meticulous told depiction audience describe Diocletian, his court nearby all depiction other actors th