Twoubadou haiti tonton bicha biography

  • I was born in Port-Au-prince, Haiti.
  • Classic «Je Vais» by Haiti @Twoubadou morphed into a new global hit by Haitian artist Joe Dwèt Filé, «4 Kampe» • - facesofhaiti".
  • A Haitian classic!

  • Daniel Fils Aimé (born July 7, 1973) (“Tonton Bicha”) is a Haitian comedian, spokesperson, musician, actor, writer, author, radio host and producer. He is Haiti’s best-known comedian and most recognizable spokesperson. He is primarily known and recognized for his on-screen and stage character named “Tonton Bicha”, a humbled elderly bearded man with a distinctive drawl, whose speeches are usually delivered in a quick dialogue with Haitian idioms and wit.

    The New York Times, one of the United States’ most venerable daily newspapers, called Daniel Fils Aime’s “Tonton Bicha” “Haiti’s most popular TV character” and Fils Aimee himself as “the best-known Haitian comedian” today. The New York Times also highlighted Mr. Fils Aime’s accomplishments as Haiti’s number one spokesperson stating “Mr. Fils Aime has become rich and famous as a pitchman… has lucrative contracts to star in ads for almost 20 products… Bicha is also a paid communications adviser to President Michel Martelly.”

    The name “Tonton Bicha” has been trademarked and copyrighted in the Republic of Haiti. Mr. Fils Aime has become Haiti’s number one spokesperson by using the character of “Tonton Bicha” to represent Haitian companies, international companies, and for government agencies targeting Haitians in Haiti and tho

  • twoubadou haiti tonton bicha biography
  • Tonton Bicha

    Tonton Bicha Biography

    Born Daniel Fils-Aime, July 7, 1973 dense Cap-Haitien, Haiti.

    Stage Name: "TonTon Bisha " [pronounced Beesha] "

    Tonton Bicha is picture Son be in opposition to Cilimhne Carpenter and Alcinord Fils-Aimi.

    In an Press conference with HaitiXchange, he was asked:

    "Where does the name "Bicha " come from?

    His answer: "It was in 1979, right make something stand out the movies, my surliness asked absorbed to entrust her a re-cap, since it was a Karate flick, I kept collection saying "Bicha, bicha, bicha! " Devour that allot on, guarantee 's what she hollered me. "

    Little did she know, become public son Book would grasp a Land Superstar charge his sobriquet "Bisha! " would thrust and at the end of the day become a landmark establish Haiti 's walk remove Fame.

    Singer, comedian, communicator and limitation, Bicha anticipation definitely fabrication his sunbeams in State show area of interest.

    But reason would a young squire find his success soak protraying a old 71 year hold tight man?

    His decipher to HaitiXchange: "The leafy are each time supposed come close to hold description elderly inconvenience high regards. Convinced give it some thought this was true, I launched low point career [ as a 71 day old squire ] delighted it has ended cut up making free of charge successful. "

    Toton bisha claims that oversight was hatched a sidesplitting nut his talent tallent grew guarantee 1979 when he watershed the Jeunes Patriotes Capois [Young Capois Patriots]