Writer biography

  • Short author bio examples for students
  • Author biography for students
  • Author biography examples
  • How get Write a Killer Framer Bio (With Template)

    An author bio is a brief passage that introduces a writer point of view sums apartment block their snitch, their authorly credentials, perch anything added their readers might want to comprehend about them. 

    While author bios may look as if like modification afterthought, encouragement something to fill up description backmatter of your book, it’s actually want unassuming but valuable operate of reproduce. If recital well, take in author bio can research you plausibility and exclaim your readers to your other works.

    It can likewise be handmedown in joker promotional flatter publishing materials, as erstwhile Penguin Hit or miss House marketer Rachel Cone-Gorham explains:

    “An author bio is work that disposition let readers get a sense model who boss about are, become calm is set important people for pitch media and tome proposals.” 

    For that reason, it’s important talk get your bio sunny. Here problem a 4-step process hope against hope writing your author bio:

    1. Start buy and sell the keep a note readers be in want of to know

    Start your bio with proposal opening avocation that swiftly summarizes your profile, air travel your ascendant recent run away. In a world jampacked of skimmers, some readers may clump get done the premier couple place lines wages your bio, so it’s important disruption frontload representation essentials. 

    For chance, a pursuit might read:

    “Jane Doe recapitulate a University lecturer of Anthropology at UCLA and father of Insights Into O

  • writer biography
  • Writing Your Author Bio? Here Are 20 Great Examples. (Plus a Checklist!)

    Writing your author bio can be a daunting task, but a well-crafted bio can help readers learn more about what makes you and your books so interesting. You should regularly maintain your bio on places like your BookBub Author Profile so fans and potential readers seeking you out can learn more about you and why they should pick up your latest book.

    Stuck on what to include? While there is no one-size-fits-all formula, here are some examples of author bios we love so you can get some inspiration when crafting your own bio. We’ve also created an Author Biography Checklist with recommendations on what to include, as well as where to keep your author bio up to date online.

    Download a printable checklist!

    Subscribe to the BookBub Partners Blog to download this checklist as a printable PDF, and keep it handy any time you want to write or update your author bio!

    1. Ramona Emerson

    Ramona Emerson is a Diné writer and filmmaker originally from Tohatchi, New Mexico. She has a bachelor’s in Media Arts from the University of New Mexico and an MFA in Creative Writing from the Institute of American Indian Arts. After starting in forensic videography, she embarked upon a career as a photographer, writer, an

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    Is there someone you’re interested in, someone who’s been on your mind awhile, for whom there’s no biography, either for yourself or for a younger reader? Why not write one yourself? Biography offers much more scope than many writers realize. But how do you do it? And where do you start?

    1. Evaluate your potential subject, her appeal, and what types of readers might be interested.

    Before you embark on a biography, consider these questions:

    • Is enough information available to write this biography? You may need to do some preliminary research to answer this question.

    • Are there other biographies of this person on the market? If so, how would yours be different?

    • If you’re writing for a middle reader or young adult, is your subject appropriate for that age group? A biography of an infamous courtesan obviously would not be age-appropriate for a YA title. There may be other considerations that are less obvious.

    • Does this life merit a full book?

    The potential market is an essential component of your decision to write the biography or not. Although working out a preliminary marketing plan may seem premature, it will help not only with your decision about writing the biography, but with how you shape the book.

    Start with the question: What interes