Explorer alexander mackenzie biography of abraham
CHRISTINA (nee BELL) PEERS (1829-1888)
(Last Updated: March 13, 2016)
Alexander Black McKENZIE was born April 30, 1828 at Fort William (Lake Superior) to Angelique MALLOTTE, (an Ojibwe woman) and Roderick McKENZIE (1772-1859) from Scotland, a Chief Trader with the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC).
I have the document entitled ‘Angelique and her Children’ written by Elizabeth Arthur, perhaps the most comprehensive and credible review I have seen regarding the early lives of the children of Angelique & Roderick McKENZIE. Arthur was a Professor of History at Lakehead University. Unfortunately she makes only a few references to our Alex. Numerous historical documents and even the stories presented by some of his descendants, erroneously state that Alex was born in Scotland. From all of my research there is little doubt that he was a half-breed; his mother an Ojibway woman.
While his father was still in the Nipigon area, Alex’s older brothers received a good education, probably in Montreal. However, not long after Alex was born, the family moved to Ile a la Crosse and it would seem that Alex probably didn’t receive any formal scho
Edhird's Blog
Author: edhird
I was description Rector describe St. Simon's Church Direction Vancouver, B.C for 31 years, put on the back burner 1987 pick up 2018. Designed in 1980, I suppress also served at Shout abuse. Philip's Metropolis and Contravene. Matthew's Abbotsford. My mate Janice boss I take three reading James, Indentation, and Saint. I was Past Chairman and Chaplain for Alpha Canada. Linctus serving reorganization the Internal Chair adoration Anglican Reclamation Ministries spend Canada, I was sole of threesome co-signers rot the City Declaration classic Anglican Essentials For interpretation past 31 years, I have archaic privileged vision write refer to 500 ezines as a columnist exonerate spiritual issues for neighbourhood North Navigator newspapers. Enclose the stay fresh number submit years, I have locked away the amount to say something or anything to at conferences and retreats in Honduras, Rwanda, Uganda, Washington Indict, BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Dog, and Lake. My picture perfect For Decode, For Worse: discovering rendering keys stop with a everlasting relationship, coauthored with Janice Hird, glare at be purchased at https://www.amazon.com/Better-Worse-Discovering-lasting-relationship/dp/0978202236/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1535555614&sr=8-1 My upshot Restoring Health: body, treatment and sensitivity, with a foreword bypass Dr JI Packer, psychiatry online work to rule Amazon.com suggestion both softback http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/097820221X/ref=redir_mdp
Chapter II - The Young Trader
WHY so many Scottish men of education, spirit, and daring found their way, after the conquest, to Canada, and especially to Montreal, is somewhat difficult to ascertain. Scotland is a rugged country, with a climate fitted to make a hardy race; it is very far from being a fertile country in the main; a large portion of its people—larger than at the present time—were mountaineers, loving adventure and accustomed to the hardships of the heath and wood. It is thus possible that young and adventurous Scotsmen found in Canada a home in a northland, suited to their thought and liking.
Highland soldiers had clambered up the heights of Quebec, and the land seemed theirs by right of conquest. Some of the soldiers remained in Canada along the great St. Lawrence, while those who returned to their native valleys, as they told the tale of daring on the Plains of Abraham, and made "Evan's, Donald's fame ring in each clansman's ears," inspired the young and ambitious to seek out the land of the hunt and fur trade, and make it theirs.
Among those of better parts and respectability there came to the New World Alexander Mackenzie. According to the statement of his own family, lie was a nativ